software is a highly common positions management software, software support mult...
软件是一款通用性极强的仓管理软件,软件支持多仓库管理支持全键盘操作;软件支持入库、出库、退库、调库、借出、归还、盘点等多项货物操作流程,各种数据可以自动转换为EXCEL数据格式。软件提供了完备的帐务系统,可以随时查询或打印月记帐、日记帐。能自动对库存超限的商品报警,多种报表功输出功能,让你的仓库管理工作轻松自如。软件可以多台电脑联网使用,数据共享,同时操作各项软件功能。-software is a highly common positions management software, software support multiple warehouse management support full keyboard operation; Software support for the arsenal and out of the hangar and refunding, transfer bank lending, restitution, and a number of other goods inventory operating processes, data can be automatically converted to Excel data format. Software provide a complete accounting system, ready for print or on account journals. Automatically unlimited right of goods inventory report, a variety of statements power output, allow you to a warehouse management effortless. Software can be multi-use computer networking, data sharing, while operating various software functions.