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4 reports the experimental data structure, content or subject of the experiment...

于 2022-02-21 发布 文件大小:120.37 kB
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数据结构实验4报告,实验内容或题目 l、随机产生n=100,200,300,1000,2000个整数并存于数组r[1..n]中。对主要查找算法(顺序查找、插入排序、冒泡排序、堆排序、快速排序)进行实验比较,计算出平均比较次数、平均移动次数及执行时间。由程序自动计算,由手工计时。 2、对实验结果数据进行对比分析。 主要内容是-4 reports the experimental data structure, content or subject of the experiment l, randomly generated integers n = 100,200,300,1000,2000 co-exist in the array r [1 .. n] in. On the main search algorithm (the order of search, Insertion Sort, Bubble Sort, Heap Sort, Quick Sort) for the comparison, the calculated average number of comparison, the average mobile number and execution time. Automatically calculated by the procedure by manual timing. 2, the experimental results the data were analyzed. Main content



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