51汇编语言,格式为.chm文件,这个好象就是九十年代初孙涵芳(如果我没记错的话)写的一 本书后附的子程序。子程序不全对,至少有个除法的余数有问题,扩大了2倍,
51汇编语言,格式为.chm文件,这个好象就是九十年代初孙涵芳(如果我没记错的话)写的一 本书后附的子程序。子程序不全对,至少有个除法的余数有问题,扩大了2倍,我记不清是哪个了,你把其中的一个左移语句去掉就行了,别的记不得了。欢迎常联系。-51 assembly language format. Chm documentation, It was like the early 1990s-wu (if I remember correctly so) wrote a book attached to the subroutine. Subroutine incomplete right, at least a division of the remaining problems, and expanded two times, I can not remember clearly what is, you put one of these bits removed statement on the visit, other reporters unnerving. Welcome regular contact.