装置的功能是对温度进行实时监测与控制。由温度传感器DS18B20对温度进行采样和转换成数字信号送入单片机,并与设定的报警温度上、下限值进行比较,信息通过LCD显示出来。如实时温度超过设定的上、下限值,一方面由LCD显示信息,并发出警报声;另一方面自动控制继电器(Relay)开接通或断开,从而控制加热源的开与断,达到对温度进行实时控制的目的。-Device" s function is real-time temperature monitoring and control. Temperature by the temperature sensor DS18B20 sample and converted into a digital signal into the microcontroller, and with the set alarm temperature of the upper and lower limit comparison information through the LCD display. Such as real-time temperature exceeds a set upper and lower limits on the one hand by the LCD to display information, and the alarm sound the other hand, automatic control relay (Relay) to open turn on or off to control the opening and the heat source off, to achieve real-time temperature control.