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于 2022-02-20 发布 文件大小:3.02 MB
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应用背景In this context, mobile communications may be allowed to be an indispensable commodity by most, and mobile data, video as well as television services are also becoming an essential part of everyday life. With the introduction of the Android operating system and the iPhone, the use of ebook readers such as the iPad, and the success of social networking using Facebook, the demand for cellular data traffic has grown significantly in recent years. Thus, communications on the move has proven to be transformational, and mobile operators struggle to satisfy the data traffic demands in wireless cellular networks,while keeping their costs at minimum to maintain profitability.关键技术The need for power-efficient MIMO-aided cellular networks requires a paradigm shift in the wireless system design. This trend is irreversible and will have a profound impact on both the theory and p



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