数字水印处理系统主要由水印嵌入和水印检测两个过程。(1)水印嵌入过程为:数字水印(X)、原图像(I)和密钥/公钥(K)通过数字水印嵌入算法形成嵌入水印后的图像(I*)。 (2)水印检测过程为:数字水印(X)、水印图像(I*)和密钥/公钥(K)通过数字水印检测算法检测出数字水印或有无水印。该程序调试已通过!-Digital watermarking system mainly consists of watermark embedding and watermark detection of the two processes. (1) The watermark embedding process as follows: Digital watermarking (X), the original image (I) and key/public key (K) by digital watermark embedding algorithm to form watermarked image (I*). (2) The watermark detection process is as follows: Digital watermarking (X), the watermark image (I*) and key/public key (K) by digital watermark detection algorithm to detect whether the digital watermark or watermark. The program debugging has passed!