快照建立步骤及维护- The snapshot establishment step and maintains
- 2022-02-26 21:15:06下载
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哈夫曼编码,实现了哈夫曼编码中的编码,译码,以及打印的功能.-Huffman coding, achieving Huffman coding of encoding, decoding, and printing functions.
- 2022-01-25 23:07:03下载
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Realize stack code, realize all the features of the stack, PUSH, POP, insertion,...
堆栈的实现代码,实现了栈的所有功能,PUSH,POP,插入,销毁,清空等,有调试程序,可以很清楚的看到栈的运行过程-Realize stack code, realize all the features of the stack, PUSH, POP, insertion, destruction, empty and so on, have a debugger, you can clearly see the operation of the process stack
- 2022-03-25 07:40:01下载
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应用背景在Windows和Linux Qt,我们可以访问 ;使用OCI数据库。用于编译,在窗口中。在项目属性页,库,包括设置,链接。如果Linux,在makefile ; ;incpath,LIBS设置。例如:…incpath ; ; ;= -我/选择/ qtsdk-2010.05 / QT / mkspecs / linux-g + + -。。/。/ 6410serverqt -我/选择/ qtsdk-2010.05/qt/include/qtcore -我/选择/ qtsdk-2010.05/qt/include/qtnetwork -我/选择/ qtsdk-2010.05/qt/include/qtgui - I /选择/ qtsdk-2010.05/qt/include - I.。/调试。。/。/ 6410serverqt -我美元(qtdir)/ mkspecs默认-。。/ generatedfiles - igeneratedfiles /调试- igeneratedfiles -我-我/ usr /包括/甲骨文/ 11.2/client…LIBS ; ; ; ; ;= $(sublibs) ;- L /选择/ qtsdk-2010.05/qt/lib - lqtgui - L /选择/ qtsdk-2010.05/qt/lib - L / usr / X11R6 / lib - lqtnetwork - lqtcore - lpthread ;- / Oracle 11g/L自民党-低密度脂蛋白- lnsl - lclntsh…关键技术在Windows和Linux Qt,我们可以访问 ;使用OCI数据库。登录的步骤是ocienvcreate, ; ;ocihandlealloc,ocilogon。执行步骤ocistmtprepare, ; ; ;ocistmtexecute,ocitranscommit。如果有参数,ocistmtprepare, ; ; ;ociattrget,ocib
- 2022-08-13 11:57:58下载
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数据库实验,建立一个简单的数据库,有打开、存储、删除、建立等值嵌套循环连接的功能。-database experiments, a simple database, open storage, delete, equivalent to establish nested loop join function.
- 2022-02-06 08:27:47下载
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- 2022-06-12 08:17:22下载
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DNS enumeration data sources. Computers can be used to access all of the DNS dat...
枚举DNS数据源.可以用来获得计算机中所有的DNS数据源.本例主要利用CDSNCollection类.-DNS enumeration data sources. Computers can be used to access all of the DNS data sources. The cases mainly use C DSNCollection category.
- 2023-06-22 23:05:04下载
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绝大多数工作门户让求职者报名注册一个免费账户,并允许他们搜索由雇主发布的职位空缺岗位上而言,雇主可审查个人简历。门户网站提供恢复过帐服务,使求职者进行复制和粘贴简历信息从字处理文档或建立一个新的恢复使用在线工具。工作门户通常提供提交一份已完成的简历,从字处理程序 (如 Microsoft Word 中创建的选项。求职者可以浏览由雇主发布的职位空缺和申请职位通过工作门户。
- 2022-11-15 00:20:03下载
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大家可以借鉴以下-database development using delphi database development we can learn from the following
- 2022-06-15 04:09:53下载
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北京yd大学软件工程研究生的课程---数据库设计开发,,ppt格式-Beijing yd University Software Engineering postgraduate courses--- database design and development,, ppt format
- 2023-08-27 08:00:04下载
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