首页 » 电子书 » 现代控制系统,Dorf.R.C及Bishop.R.H的大作,现在都到第十三版了。从事控制工程的工程师都应该好好读读这本书,讲解清晰,并附有大量工程实例,之前在学...


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现代控制系统,Dorf.R.C及Bishop.R.H的大作,现在都到第十三版了。从事控制工程的工程师都应该好好读读这本书,讲解清晰,并附有大量工程实例,之前在学校没学懂控制理论,是在工作过程中自学的,主要就是这本书吧,控制工程人员的基础。 包含课本源码(源码从网上都好找),以及中文PPT(这个网上不好找的)。不愿花钱买的,也可以上网找找电子书,中文扫描版或英语版电子书。-Modern control systems, Dorf.RC and Bishop.RH s masterpiece, now to the 13th edition of the. Engineers involved in control engineering should be a good read this book to explain clearly, together with a large number of engineering practice, did not learn in school before the control theory, self-learning process at work, and mainly the book a, control engineering staff base. Includes textbooks, source (source code from the Internet are all easy to find), and Chinese PPT (not easy to find in this online). Unwilling to spend money to buy, you can also look for books online, the Chinese version or English version of book scanning.



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