MDI生成切分窗口,并相互调用。 ◎MFC生成MDI程序框架,并允许切分窗口。 ◎静态生成左右两个切分窗口,分别与视图类CLeftView、CRightView...
MDI生成切分窗口,并相互调用。 ◎MFC生成MDI程序框架,并允许切分窗口。 ◎静态生成左右两个切分窗口,分别与视图类CLeftView、CRightView建立关联。 ◎生成DialogBar,在DialogBar中添加Copy按钮和Clear按钮。 ◎在左侧的切分窗口中可以手动画线。点击Copy按钮可以将已经画的线拷贝到右侧切分窗口中,点击Clear按钮将左右窗口清空。-MDI production segmentation window, and call each other. MFC generation MDI procedural framework, and allow segmentation window. static generated about two split window, with the category CLeftView View, CRightView establish linkages. DialogBar generation, in addition DialogBar Copy button and the Clear button. cut in the left-hand window can be animated line. Click on the Copy button to draw the line has been copied to the right segmentation window, click on the Clear button to clear the window around.