VC 中音乐最完美的实现 想在程序中播放mp3,wma,wav等所有格式的音乐文件吗?网上这样的介绍真是少!!这是一个封装了音乐的各种操作,比如音量调节,进...
VC 中音乐最完美的实现 想在程序中播放mp3,wma,wav等所有格式的音乐文件吗?网上这样的介绍真是少!!这是一个封装了音乐的各种操作,比如音量调节,进度调节,的类。包 含两个类,CMusic,CSound。分别在文件music.h,music.cpp,sound.h,sound.cpp。 -VC of music would like to realize the most perfect player in the proceedings mp3, wma, wav and so on all formats of music files? Online this introduction is really small! ! This is a package of music, all kinds of operation, for example, to adjust the volume, the progress of regulation, the class. Consists of two categories, CMusic, CSound. , Respectively, in the document music.h, music.cpp, sound.h, sound.cpp.