1.名称:ZHG播放器 2.大小:66k 3.软件包组件:ZHG_player.c、ZHG_player.exe、qupu.txt、bubugao.txt、说明.doc 4.注意:下载后可将其中的bubugao.txt文件放在一个不含汉字的目录名下,然后播放时就可在路径框中输入英文字母路径(例如放在D盘则输入d:ubugao.txt)即可。 5.本软件由ZHG开发,仅供学习、研究免费参考,未经允许不可用于商业目的。在传播时请务必保持软件包的完整性,并注明作者信息、出处等。 -----Author:zhg 2006.11.9 E-mail: wudazhg@163.com All Rights Reserved 版权所有,侵权必究-1. Name : ZHG two players. Size : 66k 3. Software components : ZHG_player.c, ZHG_player.exe, qupu.txt. bubugao.txt that. doc 4. Note : can be downloaded after the bubugao.txt documents on a non-Chinese name of the directory, Then players can be in the road when the input box alphabetical path (such as disk on D were imported d : bubugao.txt) can be. 5. The software developed by ZHG, is for study, research, free of reference, without a permit may not be used for commercial purposes. When asked in the dissemination of the package must maintain the integrity of the information and indicate the author, source, etc..----- Author : zhg 2006.11.9 E-