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ATL object wizard is just not restricted for ATL COM appwizards. It can be used

于 2022-02-10 发布 文件大小:11.46 kB
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ATL object wizard is just not restricted for ATL COM appwizards. It can be used in any application provided the project meets certain requirements. You can use this appwizard to create ordinary(non - COM) Win32 application utilizing the ATL window classes or develop console OLEDB consumer applications. ATL对象向导不限于 ATL COM 应用程序向导。它也可以用于满足要求的项目的任何应用程序中。你可以使用这个向导来创建普通的(非COM) Win32 应用程序,使用ATL窗口类或开发控制台OLEDB消费者应用程序。 来源: http://www.codeguru.com/atl/atlcompappwz.shtml-ATL object wizard is just not restricted for ATL COM appwizards. It can be used in any application provided the project meets certain requirements. You can use this appwizard to create ordinary (non- COM) Win32 application utilizing the ATL window classes or develop console OLEDB consumer applications. the ATL object guide is not restricted in ATL the COM application procedure guide. It also may use in the project any application procedure which answers the purpose. You may use this guide to found (non- COM) ordinary the Wi



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