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Tutorial of RVM

于 2022-02-10 发布 文件大小:202.36 kB
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通俗的介绍了RVM与SVM的区别,写的非常通俗易懂-Tutorial of RVM



0 个回复

  • OPENCV系列的,TOOLBOX工具,应该挺有用的,大家自己看看吧!
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  • 3. "Genetic Algorithms and Engineering Design", [] to Yuen
    3。《遗传算法与工程设计》,[日]玄光男着,程润伟着 科学出版社 2000年第一版 本书着重从计算方法和应用技术的角度对遗传算法作了深入浅出的讨论。书中介绍了遗传算法的基本概念和结构,解决约束优化和组合优化问题的方法,以及遗传算法在生产调度、可靠性设计、交通运输、设备布局等一系列工业工程问题中的应用。本书可作为高等院校的工业工程、管理科学、运等学、计算机科学和人工智能专业的本科生和研究生的教科书。对于系统分析员、运行研究员、管理科学家以及在工业工程与运筹学领域里从事最优化问题研究和应用的专业技术人员,本书也不失为一本内容丰富且实用性较强的参考书。-3. "Genetic Algorithms and Engineering Design", [] to Yuen-man, Guilin-a 520-531 2000 version of the first book to focus on calculation methods and application of a technical point of view for Genetic Algorithm a simple discussion. The book on genetic algorithms, the basic concepts and structures, optimization and constraint solving combinatorial optimization problems. and the genetic algorithm in production scheduling, reliability design, transportation, equipment and layout of a series of industrial engineering problems applications. The book can be used as colleges in the industrial engineering, management science, transport and other science, computer science and artificial intelligence professi
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  • 包含2个源代码,这是一个源程序的源程序,和O的..
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