vega Prime 三维视景开发框架结构。以 Multigen公司的 Creator2.5.1和 Vega Pr ime1.1 为主要工具,根据既有的数字...
vega Prime 三维视景开发框架结构。以 Multigen公司的 Creator2.5.1和 Vega Pr ime1.1 为主要工具,根据既有的数字地形,加贴纹理,映射文化特征,构建模型数据库,导入 Vega Pr ime 运行环境中实现交互,实现了一定程度的视景模拟。-vega Prime three-dimensional structure of visual development framework. Creator2.5.1 companies to Multigen and Vega Pr ime1.1 as the main tool, in accordance with the existing digital terrain, add texture, mapping cultural identity, build a model database, run into Vega Pr ime environment interact to achieve a certain the degree of visual simulation.