通过一番不懈的努力,我的第一个比较大一点的游戏终于做成了,虽然里面还有许许多多的不足,但已经可以正常运行了。 它可以分两大块:1. 人机对战 2.两人对战(都可...
通过一番不懈的努力,我的第一个比较大一点的游戏终于做成了,虽然里面还有许许多多的不足,但已经可以正常运行了。 它可以分两大块:1. 人机对战 2.两人对战(都可以用光标进行控制的)-through the unremitting efforts made, my first one more point of the game was finally made, although there is also many deficiencies, but can be a normal operation. It can be divided into two units : 1. Two man-machine players. Two players (you can use the cursor control)