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于 2022-02-06 发布 文件大小:59.93 kB
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英语词汇起源及妙记 1、Chemistry 化学 古代的炼金术士们总想找到一种方法,将低贱的金属变为金子。现在通过原子裂变的原理表明,他们的这种想法并非一般人们想象的那么愚蠢。古埃及人入侵欧洲后,将他们所研究的炼金术,连同其命名al-kimia一起传入欧洲。后来,这个词变成alchemy,“炼金的人”叫做alchemist,最后成了chemistry。“化学”的概念就是从“炼金术”演变来的. -English Vocabulary in mind the origin and Miao 1, Chemistry Chemical ancient alchemist who always wanted to find a way to be inferior metals into gold. Now adopted the principle of atomic fission that they are not of such general ideas of how foolish people think. After the European invasion of the ancient Egyptians, will they studied alchemy, with its named after al-kimia with the introduction in Europe. Later, the word became alchemy,



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