写这个 程序主要因为我对文件输出汉语一直存在相当的疑惑,所以写了这个小程序,并总结了相应的结论 ofstream和wofstream对中文的支持 std...
写这个 程序主要因为我对文件输出汉语一直存在相当的疑惑,所以写了这个小程序,并总结了相应的结论 ofstream和wofstream对中文的支持 std::cout和std::wcout对中文的支持 和imbue方法的使用以及Locale对象 -To write this, this program mainly because of my output file there has been considerable confusion in Chinese, so wrote this little program, and summarizes the conclusions of the corresponding ofstream and wofstream for Chinese support for std:: cout and std:: wcout for Chinese support for and imbue methods of use, and Locale objects