首页 » Windows开发 » 一个超快搜索的算法源码. searchi = search ignore case search = search case sensitive s...

一个超快搜索的算法源码. searchi = search ignore case search = search case sensitive s...

于 2022-02-03 发布 文件大小:1.93 kB
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一个超快搜索的算法源码. searchi = search ignore case search = search case sensitive searchiw = search ignore case words only (e.g. words delimited by whitespace only,not words within words) searchw() = search case sensitive words only-An ultra-fast search algorithm source code. Searchi = search ignore casesearch = search case sensitivesearchiw = search ignore case words only (eg words delimited by whitespace only, not words within words) searchw () = search case sensitive words only



0 个回复

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