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Displays a rotatable and scaleable wire frame of any 3D mathematical function....

于 2022-02-02 发布 文件大小:26.77 kB
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Displays a rotatable and scaleable wire frame of any 3D mathematical function. This can be made up from the normal VB maths plus inverse and hyperbolic functions. Functions can be created and saved as wanted. Image vertices can also be saved for use elsewhere. The MS ScriptControl Eval function simplifies calculations enormously and its use is demonstrated. Also shown are MoveToEx, LineTo which are much faster than the VB equivalents and very easy to use. Included are a set of string handling subroutines such as count characters, squeeze out spaces, replace sub-strings etc. Commented throughout including the 3D maths and perspective methods. All the files are visible and the program is written for an 800x600 screen.



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