This experimental report on the multi
这篇实验报告是关于单片机多路数据采集的,本实验由2大部分组成:1、为用EPOROM构成的心电信号发生器;2、为多路信号的微机采集与显示;第一部分实验主要研究可编程序存储器EPROM的非计算机应用。把存储在EPROM中的数字心电信号读出并通过D/A转换为模拟信号显示在示波器屏幕上。 第二部分实验的目的是研究一个数据采集系统,该系统利用ECD-51型单片机为中心,由D/A芯片等将各种低频信号以及由EPROM产生的模拟人体心电信号变换成离散的数字信号存入微机内存,以待进行数据处理和分析,然后再通过D/A转换将其还原成模拟信号显示在示波器的屏幕上。 -This experimental report on the multi-SCM data acquisition, the experiment by the two major components : 1. EPOROM pose for the use of the ECG signal generator; 2, multi-path signals in the computer acquisition and display; the first major study of experimental programmable EPROM memory in non-computer applications. Stored in the EPROM of ECG read out by D/A conversion of analog signals displayed on the oscilloscope screen on. Part II The purpose of this experiment is to study a data acquisition system, which uses ECD-51 microprocessor as the center, from the D/A chips, and other various low-frequency signal from EPROM and the simulation of human ECG transform into several discrete signal words into computer mem