6子祺人人对战游戏,简单的控制台程序,电脑判别胜负。(6 sub-Kee all Battle games, simple console program, the computer determine the outcome.)
- 2014-05-11 16:30:55下载
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- 2022-06-27 21:46:22下载
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储存 JPG,BMP图片
应用于VC++,有兴趣可通过UltraEdit或者PC TOOLS等工具软件打开一个JPG图像文
- 2022-08-17 02:40:30下载
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网上关于linux下面的lcx源码很多,大部分在现在的linux环境下编译都存在错误,而且代码本身con2con函数存在逻辑错误,部分功能无法正常使用还有在这要为这个东西正名,其全名是Socket data transport tool,而根据代码注释中[bkbll@mobile socket]$ gcc -o trtool trtool.c这一句,可以看到其原来的名字应该是trtool,而且是红盟的前辈bkbll所写,功能和lion写的htran 1.1版一样,不过是在linux下使用的而已所谓的lcx.exe其实是lcx根据lion的代码所修改编译过的htran,所以这个工具其实不应该叫lcx,不过为了配合大家的习惯这么叫而已修改这个工具的源码是因为我想在挂vpn的同时能在本地虚拟机中使用metasploit,让目标能反弹回本地。这样既挂了vpn保证了自身安全,也能在本地使用metasploit,而且不用进行本地路由器端口映射 请点击左侧文件开始预览 !预览只提供20%的代码片段,完整代码需下载后查看 加载中 侵权举报
- 2023-08-05 14:05:04下载
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说明: 此程序是使用ADXL345三轴重力传感器和433超再生无线模块结合,在重力感应下,通过发射模块将方向信号发射给接受模块,从而控制小车的方向。(This program uses adxl345 three-axis gravity sensor and 433 super regeneration wireless module. Under the gravity induction, the direction signal is transmitted to the receiving module through the transmitting module, so as to control the direction of the car.)
- 2019-12-31 19:24:55下载
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标准例程-SRAM APP版本
STM32单片机经典例程 此目录下包含的资料是初学者/刚接触我们开发板的朋友,需要重点阅读的.里面包含了入门教程,安装手册等资料.尤其是<<ALIENTEK 战舰STM32开发板入门教程&FAQ.pdf>>,该文档所有刚接触我们开发板的朋友,都应该认真阅读一遍(STM32 microcontroller classic routines This directory contains information is a friend of a beginner/just contact our development board, it is important to read. It contains introductory tutorial, installation manual and other information. Especially the < < ALIENTEK warships STM32 development board introductory tutorial & FAQ. PDF > >, this document all the friends just contact our development board, should read it again)
- 2017-10-19 20:54:13下载
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非常经典的数据结构课程中,以C++解决逆波兰表达式的问题。给出了详细的算法和输出结果-A very classic data structures course, in order to solve the C++ Reverse Polish Notation issues. Gives a detailed algorithm and output
- 2022-02-07 04:37:15下载
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说明: STM32控制DDS输出正弦波等波形,频率幅值可调。(STM32 control DDS output sine wave waveform, adjustable frequency amplitude.)
- 2020-06-20 18:40:02下载
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.net C/S系统快速开发框架
适用开发:制造、服务、零售、商贸等行业的ERP、MRP、MES、CRM、MIS、HIS、POS数据管理应用系统运行平台:Windows .NET Framework 4.5开发工具:Visual Studio 2015 ,C#语言数据库:Microsoft SQLServer 2008R2 (支持多数据库:Oracle/MySql)【源码目录】48.9元开发框架├── DEV13.2.6安装方法.txt├── DXperienceUniversal-13.2.6│ ├── C#源码世界.url│ ├── DXBuildGenerator-master.zip│ ├── DevExpress.Patch v6.1.rar│ ├── DevExpress13.2.6的安装与破解 - 技术文档 - C#源码世界.url│ ├── DevExpressCodeRush-13.2.6.exe│ ├── DevExpressComponents-13.2.6.exe│ ├── DevExpressComponentsHelp-13.2.6.exe│ ├── DevExpressLocalizedResources_2013.2(中繁汉化).rar│ ├── DevExpressLocalizedResources_2013.2_zh-CN.zip│ ├── Readme.txt│ ├── SourceBuilderTool.exe│ └── Sources.rar├── DXperienceUniversal-13.2.6.rar├── Ribbin.zip├── dev安装说明.txt└── 框架运行方法.txt1 directory, 17 files
- 2020-11-08下载
- 积分:1
calander in c language
- 2010-03-17 18:14:07下载
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