在MFC中,要使用图形按钮,一般会选择CBitmapButton类,使用CBitmapButton类可以设置按钮的Normal、 Selected、Focuse...
在MFC中,要使用图形按钮,一般会选择CBitmapButton类,使用CBitmapButton类可以设置按钮的Normal、 Selected、Focused和Disabled四种状态的bmp图像,这四副状态图像要求同尺寸大小,其中normal状态图片是必需提供的。常见调用代码示例:-In MFC, it is necessary to use the graphical button, choose CBitmapButton general category, the use of CBitmapButton category button you can set the Normal, Selected, Focused and Disabled four state bmp images, which require four state image with the size, in which normal state image provided is necessary. Common to call the code example: