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经典算法之背包问题-classic algorithms knapsack problem



0 个回复

  • 基于单片机的数字温度计设计
    2022-10-05 23:30:03下载
  • Least Soft-thresold Squares Tracking
    we propose a generative tracking method based on a novel robust linear regression algorithm. In con- trast to existing methods, the proposed Least Soft-thresold Squares (LSS) algorithm models the error term with the Gaussian-Laplacian distribution, which can be solved ef- ficiently. Based on maximum joint likelihood of parameters, we derive a LSS distance to measure the difference between an observation sample and the dictionary. Compared with the distance derived from ordinary least squares methods, the proposed metric is more effective
    2022-03-22 17:30:20下载
  • 大学里必学的数值分析,必做程序之一。。。。 vb编写
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  • 该代码是《科学与工程数值》(visual C++实现)一书中的源代码,里面包括常见的数值的实现,主要包括复数运、矩阵运、线性方程组的求解、非线性方程...
    该代码是《科学与工程数值算法》(visual C++实现)一书中的源代码,里面包括常见的数值算法的实现,主要包括复数运算、矩阵运算、线性方程组的求解、非线性方程组的求解以及差值和数值积分的实现。-The code is " Science and Engineering, Numerical Algorithms" (visual C++ to achieve) the book" s source code, which include the common realization of numerical algorithm, including complex calculations, matrix operations, linear equations, nonlinear equations, as well as the margin and the achievement of numerical integration.
    2022-01-31 18:20:24下载
  • josephus n个人围成一圈报数,报到人出去,相信很多人都知道这个经典题目。解有数组等等。 其实,这就是josehpus问题,这里演示josephu...
    josephus算法 n个人围成一圈报数,报到人出去,相信很多人都知道这个经典题目。解法有数组法等等。 其实,这就是josehpus问题,这里演示josephus算法-Josephus n algorithm was used to encircle a few individuals, who report back out, I believe many people know this classic title. Solutions are arrays among others. In fact, this is josehpus, Josephus demonstration here Algorithm
    2023-08-26 21:05:03下载
  • 原标题:1。有五五种颜色的房子。每一个大师…
    原题为: 1.有5栋5种颜色的房子 2.每一位房子的主人国籍都不同 3.这五个人每人只喝一个牌子的饮料,只抽一个牌子的香烟,只养一种宠物 4.没有人有相同的宠物,抽相同牌子的烟,喝相同牌子的饮料 已知条件: 1.英国人住在红房子里 2.瑞典人养了一条狗 3.丹麦人喝茶 4.绿房子在白房子的左边 5.绿房子主人喝咖啡 6.抽pallmall烟的人养了一只鸟 7.黄房子主人抽dunhill烟 8.住在中间房子的人喝牛奶 9.挪威人住在第一间房子 10.抽混合烟的人住在养猫人的旁边 11.养马人住在抽dunhill烟人的旁边 12.抽bluemaster烟的人喝啤酒 13.德国人抽prince烟 14.挪威人住在蓝房子旁边 15.抽混合烟的人的邻居喝矿泉水 问题:谁养鱼? 这道迷题出自1981年柏林的德国逻辑思考学院。 据说世界上只有2%的人能出答案。 就连大名鼎鼎的爱因斯坦也成为此题大伤脑筋。-original entitled : 1. Have five five colors of the two houses. Each a master of the house three different nationality. Each of these five individuals only drink one brand of beverages, just the one brand of cigarettes, only raised a pet 4. No one has the same pet, and pumping the same brand of cigarettes, drink the same brand of beverages known conditions : 1. Britons living in Red House Lane 2. Swede custody of a dog 3. Denmark tea 4. Green house at the White house left five. Green coffee house owner 6. Pallmall pumpin
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