首页 » Game Program » 援引别人的经典游戏,WINDOWS自带,


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援引别人的经典游戏,WINDOWS自带,-others invoked the classic games, WINDOWS own,



0 个回复

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  • Ms. Trone LINUX V0.1 imitation KTron arcade games. In fact, the game was the mot...
    Trone V0.1 仿LINUX下街机游戏KTron。 其实写本游戏的动机就是我一个朋友特别喜欢linux下的KTron这个游戏, 但在WINDOWS下又没找到,而我朋友又不太熟悉LINUX操作,所以我就花了点时间写了Trone, Trone这个名字也是源于KTron。 注意:此游戏需要EGAVGA.BGI文件才能运行,该文件在turboc2目录下可找到。 [游戏简介] 这是一个双人玩的策略游戏,游戏有两个点, 第一个游戏者可以按R,G,F,D控制第一个点的走向, 第两个游戏都可以按四个光标键控制第二个点的走向, 谁先碰到边界或已走的路线便输,祝大家玩得开心!!! 有任何问题或建议请与我联系。-Ms. Trone LINUX V0.1 imitation KTron arcade games. In fact, the game was the motive is a friend I particularly like the linux KTron this game and But under the formula found in Windows, and my friends and I did not familiar with the Linux operating, So I spent a little bit of time to write Ms. Trone, Ms. Trone also originated from the name KTron. Note : This document EGAVGA.BGI game needs to run, The document turboc2 directory can be found. [On the game] is playing a double game strategy, a two point game, a game could by the R, G, F, D. control section to a point, the first two games are four cursor keys on the second control point the direction, Who has encoun
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