这是一个128*64的点阵型液晶显示程序。是用Keil C51编写的,可以直接编译运行。...
这是一个128*64的点阵型液晶显示程序。是用Keil C51编写的,可以直接编译运行。-This is a 128* 64 LCD procedures. Keil C51 is prepared, you can direct the compiler to run.
- 2023-09-08 19:15:03下载
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outlined transformer
变压器概述-变压器经典文章(中文PDF)-outlined transformer- transformer classic article (Chinese PDF)
- 2022-02-11 19:26:22下载
- 积分:1
lpc2294 Bootloader Linux嵌入开发
lpc2294 Bootloader Linux嵌入开发-err
- 2022-03-17 03:30:48下载
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qprox公司的芯片qt60xx0的驱动程序,用到这个芯片的可以看一下-qprox the company
- 2023-04-10 08:40:03下载
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gps 模组驱动代码
应用背景地图描述 汽车,卫星,手机,平板智能仪表,智能小车,wifi模块,用51,stm32 均可驱动,9600bandrate ,应用前景广,医疗,通信,导航,玩具,航模,等关键技术模块采用U-BLOX NEO-6M模组,体积小巧,性能优异。
2, 模块增加放大电路,有利于无缘陶瓷天线快速搜星。
3, 模块可通过串口进行各种参数设置,并可保存在EEPROM,使用方便。
4, 模块自带SMA接口,可以连接各种有源天线,适应能力强。
5, 模块兼容3.3V/5V电平,方便连接各种单片机系统。
6, 模块自带可充电后备电池,可以掉电保持星历数据1。
- 2022-08-19 22:25:24下载
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完整的Bell实验室的嵌入式文件系统TFS-integrity of the Bell Laboratories of embedded file system TFS
- 2022-04-26 13:05:52下载
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2410 烧写flash
2410 烧写flash--Burn flash in 2410.
- 2022-01-24 14:33:55下载
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memory constrained systems software development of a code book. (And not the Gan...
内存受限系统软件开发一书的代码。(虽不及Gang of Four的模式掷地有声,但也相当不错.使用c and java,姑且放到embeded linux一类中吧)-memory constrained systems software development of a code book. (And not the Gang of Four patterns resounding, but also quite good. C and the use of java, but if embeded Linux into a category it)
- 2023-01-28 06:00:03下载
- 积分:1
非常参考价值-a mechanical engineering graduate of the College of Design and very useful Thesis
- 2022-04-13 05:55:41下载
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UCLINUX字符驱动程序,用ARM7多功能口实现跑马灯.-UCLinux character driver, used multi-purpose ARM7 I realize Marquee.
- 2022-01-25 21:07:11下载
- 积分:1