数值积分算法实现对一阶微分方程组的计算:通过编写程序语言,运用欧拉,预报校正,龙格库塔的方法实现对x1微分=x2 x2微分=x3 x3微分=...
数值积分算法实现对一阶微分方程组的计算:通过编写程序语言,运用欧拉,预报校正,龙格库塔的方法实现对x1微分=x2 x2微分=x3 x3微分=-800*x1-80*x2-24*x3+sin(t); y=800x1 的运算-Numerical integration algorithm for the calculation of first-order differential equations: through the preparation of programming language, the use of Euler and forecast correction, Runge-Kutta method of achieving x1 differential = x2 x2 differential = x3 x3 differential =- 800* x1-80* x2-24* x3+ sin (t) y = 800x1 computing