国立台湾大学图书信息学系 副教授所做的报告,对于需要使用PPT讲授内容的人,值得一看-National Taiwan University Library Information Associate Professor of the Department"s report, the need for the use of PPT content of the teaching, an eye-catcher
操作系统教程 孙钟秀主编 高等教育出版发行
该书是一本非常优秀的计算机操作系统的教程,十分有利于工程设计人员参考!-operating system, Sun Zhong Guide editor-in-chief of Higher Education published book is an excellent guide to the computer operating system, and extremely beneficial in engineering design reference!
它对符合ansi国际标准的库函数进行了简单的包装,使标准函数的调用更加直观。-it with the international standards for a simple function of packaging, the standard function calls more intuitive.