RS-485标准定义了一个极为坚固和可靠的通信链路,具有高噪声抑制、宽共模范围、长传输距离、冲突保护等特性。 但一个真正牢靠的RS-485网络还有赖于合理的应用。合理的网络布局、信号通道的连续性、周全的保护措施等,在设计之初就应该有一个总体规划-RS-485 standard definition of a very robust and reliable communication links with high noise suppression, and wide common-mode range, long-distance transmission, the conflict protection features. But a real solid RS-485 network also depends on the reasonable application. Logical network layout, channel signal of continuity, comprehensive protection measures, designed from the outset there should be an overall plan