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=== === = Transform Picture ! Zoom in, zoom out and change color on fly! This code is free to use for any purpose, you should keep the original copyright: Copyright (C) 2003 Free Code http://www.emu8086.com/vb/ For comments: info@emu8086.com =========================================== It s not my best code :) but still worth looking at. My greatest work is "Real Show", you can find it on my web site: http://www.emu8086.com/vb/ I wrote it both in Java and VB, so it can work directly from your web site !! I hope to update this sample, and add more effects in the near future! -=== === === === = Transform Picture ! Zoom in, zoom out and change color on fly! This code is free to use for any purpose, you should keep the original copyright: Copyright (C) 2003 Free Code http://www.emu8086.com/vb/ For comments: info@emu8086.com =========================================== It s not my best code :)