dicom协议中文版 DICOM即数字影像和通信标准。在医学影像信息学的发展和PACS的研究过程中,由于医疗设备生产厂商的不同,造成与各种设备有关的医学图像存储格式、传输方式千差万别,使得医学影像及其相关信息在不同系统、不同应用之间的交换受到严重阻碍。为此,美国放射学会(ACR)和全美电子厂商联合会(NEMA)认识到急需建立一种标准,以规范医学影像及其相关信息的交换, DICOM(DigitalImaging and Communications in Medicine)标准就是在这样的背景下产生的。 -dicom protocol that the Chinese version of DICOM digital imaging and communications standards. In the development of medical imaging informatics and PACS in the research process, due to the different medical equipment manufacturers, resulting with a variety of equipment-related medical image storage format, transmission vary widely, making medical imaging and related information in different systems, different exchange between applications has been seriously hampered. To this end, American College of Radiology (ACR) and the National Electronic Manufacturers Association (NEMA) recognized the urgent need to establish a standard to regulate the medical imaging and related exchange of information, DICOM (DigitalImaging and Communic