PWM output voltage control due to the completion of the procedures required for...
PWM控制输出电压由于该程序所需完成的功能比较简单,设计时采用了简单的前后台组织结构:后台程序(主程序)在非通讯状态时工作,完成各项数据的采集和预处理,并标准化至通讯协议所规定的格式。这一过程不停进行,随时提供最新数据;前台程序(中断服务程序)在接收到来自控制器的命令时启动。它对命令加以识别,并按要求向控制器传送相应数据或对数据进行解析执行。该程序的流程示意如图-PWM output voltage control due to the completion of the procedures required for the function of a relatively simple design, a simple organizational structure around Taiwan : background (main program) in non-state communication, complete data acquisition and pre-processing, and standardized communication protocol to the format provided. This process conducted on a continuous basis and provide the latest information; Prospects (interrupt service routine) from the receiving controller to activate the orders. It ordered to be identified, together with a request to the controller or corresponding data transmission for data analysis implementation. The indicative of processes figure