首页 » Windows开发 » matlab和vc++编程的例子,用到matcom进行文件的转换


于 2022-01-25 发布 文件大小:1.87 MB
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matlab和vc++编程的例子,用到matcom进行文件的转换-matlab and vc++ programming example files used in the conversion matcom



0 个回复

  • 用带反馈通道的移位寄存器产生PRBS序列信号。要选择合适的通道,经模二加法后进行反馈。在程序中,移位寄存器个数可从2到13中任意选择,其长度也可以自由选择。运行...
    用带反馈通道的移位寄存器产生PRBS序列信号。要选择合适的通道,经模二加法后进行反馈。在程序中,移位寄存器个数可从2到13中任意选择,其长度也可以自由选择。运行结果在vc++的运行环境中能看得很清楚,最后产生的M序列数据也存在相应的数据文件中。-Used with feedback channel shift register sequence generated PRBS signal. Please select the appropriate channels, by mode after 2 adder feedback. In the process, the number of shift register could be from 2-13 in the arbitrary choice, its length can also be free to choose. Results in vc++ The operating environment can be clearly seen, the last M-series data generated there are corresponding data file.
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  • 9x9 realize the software automatically fill the data grid, so that is horizontal...
    该软件实现9X9方格的数据自动填写,让横排是123456789,肃立也是123456789,挺有意识的。-9x9 realize the software automatically fill the data grid, so that is horizontal 123456789, 123456789 stood also, quite conscious.
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  • Summary of the environment are: window XP VS2005 major technical: MFC Title: Thi...
    小结 环境是:window XP VS2005 主要技术:MFC 题目: 这是一个让你选择找出指定文件类型,让后把文件名输入到一个指定文件中。 比如你要找D盘中 以.txt文件类型的文件,然后就把它们的名字输入到output.txt文件中。 [BBsee]《锵锵三人行》2008-05-12.也说藏传佛教.rmvb 这样的文件名太长,所以在window上显示不完。 这样你可以方便查阅在一个目录下的文件。 如果有什么问题与意见可以与我联系 hanyuejun2006@163.com -Summary of the environment are: window XP VS2005 major technical: MFC Title: This is a let you choose to find the specified file type, so that after the file name entered into a specified file. For example, you are looking to D intraday. Txt file type of file, and then put their names entered into the output.txt file. [BBsee] Qiang Qiang Three 2008-05-12. Also said that Tibetan Buddhism. Rmvb this file name is too long, so could not finish in the window display. So that you can easily access a directory in the document. If you have any questions and comments can contact me hanyuejun2006@163.com
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