长40页的word中文文档: 通过本篇文章能对Java的初学者提供帮助,弄清一些Java编程技巧,如事件,线程,动画,双缓冲图像,复合键控制,等.一方面有助于J...
长40页的word中文文档: 通过本篇文章能对Java的初学者提供帮助,弄清一些Java编程技巧,如事件,线程,动画,双缓冲图像,复合键控制,等.一方面有助于Java编程学习,另一方面即使使用C或C++编程,本文的算法和技巧也都有相当价值.-the 40-word Chinese Document : This article can be Java beginners to help clarify some of the Java programming techniques such as incident, thread, animation, image-buffer, composite bonding control, and others. Both help to learn Java programming, and even if the use of C or C programming, the paper algorithms and techniques also have considerable value.