理解算法的概念。 理解什么是程序,程序与算法的区别和内在联系。 掌握算法的计算复杂性概念。 掌握算法渐近复杂性的数学表述。 掌握用C++语言描述...
理解算法的概念。 理解什么是程序,程序与算法的区别和内在联系。 掌握算法的计算复杂性概念。 掌握算法渐近复杂性的数学表述。 掌握用C++语言描述算法的方法。-To understand the concept of the algorithm. Understand what are the procedures and processes and algorithm differences and interlinkages. Grasp the concept of computational complexity of the algorithm. To master the complexity of the mathematical algorithm is asymptotic expression. Master with the C++ language to describe the algorithm approach.