本程序作为五子棋对局程序的裁判程序,为五子棋对局程序提供一个对局平台。程序自身绑定端口,并由对局程序向此端口连接。连接后,根据事先规定好的通信协议向对局程序发送命令,并接受对局程序传来的落子位置,显现在棋盘上。程序判断胜负结果,直至一方获胜方结束。-331 of the procedures as having the procedure magistrate procedures, procedures for the provision of 331 having a bureau platform. Self-bonding procedures port, and having procedures to this port connector. After connecting, according to pre-defined communication protocols to having to send orders having accepted procedures and the sound of Kutno position, indicating on the chessboard. Procedures judgment loser, until one side wins to end.