Curve fitting involves answering two fundamental questions: What does it mean fo...
曲线拟合涉及回答两个基本问题: 最佳拟合意味着什么?应该用什么样的曲线?可用许多不同 的方法定义最佳拟合, 并存在无穷数目的曲线. 所以, 从这里开始, 我们走向何方?正如它证实的那 样, 当最佳拟合被解释为在数据点的最小误差平方和, 且所用的曲线限定为多项式时, 那么曲线拟 合是相当简捷的.-Curve fitting involves answering two fundamental questions: What does it mean for the best fit? What should be the kind of curve? Available in many different ways to define the best fitting, and the existence of infinite number of curves. So, from here on, we going? As it proved, when the best fit is interpreted as data points in the smallest error sum of squares, and used to be limited to polynomial curve, then curve fitting is very simple.