首页 » AI-NN-PR » 一个非常好的,用于训练样本图像的代码。 一定可以运行。...

一个非常好的,用于训练样本图像的代码。 一定可以运行。...

于 2022-01-22 发布 文件大小:27.35 kB
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一个非常好的,用于训练样本图像的代码。 一定可以运行。-A very good image for the training sample code. Will be able to run.



0 个回复

  • 一种近似的支持向量机,用于非常大的数据集。
    an approximate SVM solver, useful for very large dataset.
    2022-11-03 22:20:02下载
  • Contains a number of optimization algorithms, there is Newton' s method, simp...
    包含了许多的最优化算法,有牛顿法,单纯形法等,都已运行通过了-Contains a number of optimization algorithms, there is Newton" s method, simplex method, etc., have to run through the
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  • 每个人工鱼的位置,20次迭代,每次迭代算法…
    每条人工鱼迭代20次的位置,每条人工鱼迭代20次的位置,对应的Y的值,每条人工鱼迭代20次的临时位置,公告牌,每条人工鱼迭代20次的位置,对应的Y的临时值,公告牌,人工鱼移动的最大步长,求出最优的函数值;-Each of artificial fish, the location of 20 iterations, each iteration of artificial fish, the location of 20 times the corresponding value of Y, each iteration of artificial fish 20 times a temporary location, bulletin boards, each iteration of artificial fish 20 second position, corresponding to the provisional value of Y, bulletin boards, artificial fish, the biggest step to move, find the optimal function value
    2023-08-10 14:50:03下载
  • 这是一个最近邻分类模式识别算法仿真…
    这是一个模式识别中的最近邻分类算法的一个简单仿真分类实例,其中female.txt和male.txt是训练样本,test.txt是测试样本,分类效果非常好,对于模式学习的初学者将会有很大帮助。-This is a pattern recognition algorithm for nearest neighbor classification simulation of a simple classification example, is one of female.txt and male.txt training samples, test.txt is the measurement, classification effect is very good for beginners will be learning model there is a great help.
    2023-02-03 01:25:04下载
  • 自已用C++写的手势辨识,可分出四个不同的手势。
    自已用C++写的手势辨识,可分出四个不同的手势。-Themselves with C++ Written gesture recognition, can be the separation of four different gestures.
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  • Voltage regulation simulation software may biggest transmission power
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  • Perfect code to learn genetic algorithm
    学习遗传算法的标准入门程序,这是我当初入门的时候用的。-Perfect code to learn genetic algorithm
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  • an artificial intelligence
    一个基于MFC的人工智能的巫魔问题求解,图形化界面显示。-an artificial intelligence-based MFC Witch of the devil problem solving, graphical interface shows.
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