首页 » Chess Poker games » 一个简单的五子棋源代码,在图形使用的头文件,适合初学者…


于 2022-01-21 发布 文件大小:1.22 kB
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一个简单五子棋的源代码,用到了graphics头文件,适合C语言初学者学习。-Gobang a simple source code, header files used in the graphics, suitable for beginners to learn C language.



0 个回复

  • 用java写的五子棋游戏。包括客户端和服务器。输入命令或…
    用java写得五子棋游戏。包涵用户端和服务端。可输入命令或聊天信息。-Gobang written with java games. Includes client and server. Enter the command or chat information.
    2022-02-10 14:49:12下载
  • simple game development's source
    简单游戏开发源码之-四国军棋游戏源码 简单,易学-simple game development"s source-source Siguojunji games are simple and easy to learn
    2022-04-19 08:03:31下载
  • 可以用鼠标的五子棋游戏哦可以学学里边关于鼠标的编程
    可以用鼠标的五子棋游戏哦可以学学里边关于鼠标的编程-can use the mouse 331 games oh can learn on the inside of the mouse programming
    2022-10-31 16:00:02下载
  • directly extracting no password is required. 331 games, VC environment design, i...
    直接解压,无需密码。五子棋游戏,VC++环境下设计,这是一款益智而好玩的游戏。-directly extracting no password is required. 331 games, VC environment design, it is a fun and educational game.
    2022-02-26 19:57:31下载
  • 自编五子棋程序。
    自编五子棋程序。-self renju procedures.
    2023-03-24 05:05:04下载
  • I see a very good small game, in the development stage!
    我看到的一个很不错的小游戏,处于开发阶段!-I see a very good small game, in the development stage!
    2022-01-26 05:23:49下载
  • 可联机玩国际象棋,具备倒计时功能以及悔棋等功能
    可联机玩国际象棋,具备倒计时功能以及悔棋等功能-Available on-line play chess, with the countdown function, and Undo functions
    2022-08-05 14:33:32下载
  • 游戏说明: 牌的大小顺序: 大王,小王,A,K,Q,j,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2 出牌规则: 每次只能出一张牌,每局开始时随机由其中一人先出牌,以后由上一...
    游戏说明: 牌的大小顺序: 大王,小王,A,K,Q,j,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2 出牌规则: 每次只能出一张牌,每局开始时随机由其中一人先出牌,以后由上一次赢的玩家出牌。首家可以出任意一张牌。首家出牌后,下家所出的牌的花色要与首家的相同,大小不限。如确实没有花色相同的牌,则可以出其它的牌。 胜负判定: 当每人都出了一张牌后,如果花色相同,则比较两张牌的大小,牌大的赢.如果花色不同,则先出牌的赢。最后经过统计赢的次数最多的 玩家最终赢得比赛。 The rules is following: 1) The Cards RANK (big to small) is: A K Q J 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 2) Once only can play one Card,if the suit is same and the Rank is big,they win or lost if you no the suit ,you must play any card but your s always small, 3) Now i think you know the rules ! Goog Luck ! printf("Please choice your cards Color: 0 means spade 1 means hearts 2 means diamonds 3 means clubs : ") -games : licensing the order : King, Wang, A, K, Q, j, 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2 out licensing rules : each time out only one card, at the beginning of each Board random by one of the first to be out later last won by the player card. The first to be sent to an arbitrary license. The first card, the home under the license by the first matched with the same open-size. If they really do
    2022-10-20 16:15:08下载
  • 跳棋源码,
    跳棋源码,-Checkers source,
    2022-02-24 09:51:32下载
  • 程序操作按空格键开始走棋后请等待计算机走棋当全部棋盘下满而未分出输赢时右下会出现蓝色字样DRAW而若用户或计算机胜利时则有相应颜色的字样出现yOU WIN 或...
    程序操作按空格键开始走棋后请等待计算机走棋当全部棋盘下满而未分出输赢时右下会出现蓝色字样DRAW而若用户或计算机胜利时则有相应颜色的字样出现yOU WIN 或 YOU LOSE随后计算机会询问你是否继续玩若是请按Y否则按N程序将退出无论在何时按ESC都将退出无论在何时即使是在游戏中按C都可以调节游戏难度在棋盘上有棋子时按U可进行悔棋-Press the spacebar to start program operation to go after you wait for the computer to go chess chess board when all the winners and losers under the full without separation of the lower right will appear when the blue words, if a user or computer DRAW the victory with a corresponding color words appear yOU WIN or YOU LOSE then the computer will ask whether to continue to play if you press Y or N according to the program will quit whenever and press ESC will quit whenever and even in the game can be adjusted according to C game on the difficulty in the board pieces can be undo, press U
    2022-05-30 13:43:54下载
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