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于 2008-03-14 发布 文件大小:15KB
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  matlab在数字图象处理中有着自己独特的优势,本文主要介绍其在数字图象处理中的强大的作用和使用方法。(matlab in digital image processing has its own unique advantages, this paper introduce its digital image processing in a powerful role and use.)



0 个回复

  • Arithmetic
    MATLAB算法实现,有很多源程序,有很大的实际用处(MATLAB algorithm implementation, there is a lot of source code, there is a lot of practical usefulness)
    2009-03-26 11:08:41下载
  • functionz
    说明:   在三次样条中,要寻找三次多项式,以逼近每对数据点间的曲线。在样条术语中,这些数据点称之为断点。因为,两点只能决定一条直线,而在两点间的曲线可用无限多的三次多项式近似。因此,为使结果具有唯一性。在三次样条中,增加了三次多项式的约束条件。通过限定每个三次多项式的一阶和二阶导数,使其在断点处相等,就可以较好地确定所有内部三次多项式。此外,近似多项式通过这些断点的斜率和曲率是连续的。然而,第一个和最后一个三次多项式在第一个和最后一个断点以外,没有伴随多项式。因此必须通过其它方法确定其余的约束。最常用的方法,也是函数spline所采用的方法,就是采用非扭结(not-a-knot)条件。这个条件强迫第一个和第二个三次多项式的三阶导数相等。对最后一个和倒数第二个三次多项式也做同样地处理。 (the Cubic Spline, to find three polynomial, approaching every right to point the data curve. The kind of terms, these data points called breakpoints. Because only two points a straight decisions, and in between the two curves can be used an infinite number of cubic polynomial approximation. Therefore, in order for the outcome of uniqueness. The Cubic Spline, add the cubic polynomial bound by the conditions. By limiting each cubic polynomial of the first order and second-order derivative, it breakpoint in the same Department, we can better identify all internal cubic polynomial. In addition, the polynomial approximation of these breakpoints slope and curvature is continuous. However, the last one and a cubic polynomial in a breakpoint and the final one, not accompanied by polynomials. There)
    2006-03-15 21:19:29下载
  • DS
    说明:  DS算法程序和一些例子,有兴趣的可以下载下来验证一下(DS algorithm procedure and some examples are interested can download to test)
    2010-04-21 18:37:19下载
  • ctmsim_v1_1
    说明:  这是一个高速公路仿真模型。该仿真模型可以在matlab中以命令行形式或者图形界面形式进行。(CTMSIM is an interactive freeway traffic macrosimulator for MATLAB. It is based on the Asymmetric Cell Transmission Model (ACTM) and allows user-pluggable ramp flow and ramp queue controllers. Its output can be directly compared with PeMS data .CTMSIM operates both in graphical (interactive) mode and command line (batch) mode.)
    2010-05-04 16:34:11下载
  • create_kfolds_balanced_train_test
    Divide/Create data into K-Folds training and testing data which are balanced basing on the labels. It is for k-fold cross validation.
    2013-12-25 16:38:08下载
  • as1500cd_sheet
    AS1500CD user manual
    2014-02-24 19:58:17下载
  • for-matlab
    对第一列为时间、第二列为数据的“data.txt”文件作归一化频率谱密度图。("Data.txt" file first as a time as data for the normalized frequency spectrum of the density map.)
    2012-03-29 15:59:45下载
  • LDPC编码
    说明:  分别为AWGN信道模型下BPSK调制的程序;AWGN信道模型下BPSK调制LDPC编码的程序;AWGN信道模型下BPSK调制、采用具有不同列重的构造矩阵进行LDPC编码的程序;AWGN信道模型下BPSK调制、采用不同的迭代译码次数进行LDPC编码的程序。(LDPC coding program for AWGN channel)
    2020-11-10 14:59:45下载
  • Ask
    学习MATLAB过程中编写的一个关于ASK的小程序(MATLAB course of study prepared by a small program on the ASK)
    2008-12-31 15:11:54下载
  • Matlab6.5
    对matlab有详细讲解,知识点全面,特别是例程特别多。相信大家都知道学这个主要就是看程序,别的都是浮云。(Right matlab detailed explanations, a comprehensive knowledge points, especially the routine is particularly high. I believe we all know that learning is to see this major program, other are floating clouds.)
    2009-10-20 17:22:06下载
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