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于 2010-10-03 发布 文件大小:290KB
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  讲解了循环单链表的建立,以及在链表中插入、删除、更改数据...(Explain the establishment of circular single linked list, and insert in the list, delete, change the data ...)



0 个回复

  • pinfanfangwen
    设有一头指针为L的带有表头结点的非循环双向链表,其每个结点中除有prev(前驱指针),data(数据)和next(后继指针)域外,还有一个访问频度域freq。在链表被起用前,其值均初始化为零。每当在链表中进行一次Locate(L,x)运算时,令元素值为x的结点中freq域的值增1,并使此链表中结点保持按访问频度非增(递减)的顺序排列,同时最近访问的结点排在频度相同的结点的最后,以便使频繁访问的结点总是靠近表头。试编写符合上述要求的Locate(L,x)运算的算法,该运算为函数过程,返回找到结点的地址,类型为指针型。(Has a head pointer is non-circular doubly linked list L with a header node, each node in addition to prev (precursor pointer), data (data) and next (successor pointers) outside, there is an access frequency degree domain freq. Before the list was hired, their values are initialized to zero. Whenever carried out in the list once Locate (L, x) when the operation, so that the element node x is the value in freq domain by one, and keep this list in the node-access frequency of non-increasing (decreasing) the order, while a recent visit to the nodes in the same row of the frequency of the last node, so that the nodes are frequently accessed tables are always near the head. Locate (L, x) algorithm is prepared in accordance with the above requirements of the test operation, the operation as a function of the process, return to find the address of the node of type pointer.)
    2015-01-15 22:31:59下载
  • paixu
    使用的排序算法,非常不错的思维,比较其他有较大优势(Sorting algorithm used, very good ideas, have greater advantages compared with other)
    2009-05-05 17:54:54下载
  • Czhihen
    关于C语言的一些指针的处理算法,能够使得初学者对C语言指针有自己的了解(Some pointers on C language processing algorithms, it is possible to make a beginner C language pointer has its own understanding)
    2016-06-17 11:29:59下载
    说明:  该程序实现二叉树的遍历功能,能够打印出二叉树的节点(The program realization of the binary tree traversal function, is capable of printing out the binary tree node)
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  • Project_ShortestPath
    任务:实现Dijkstra算法 工程名:Project_ShortestPath 要求:实现Dijkstra算法,算法主体写在CGraph类中;要求是从command窗口中输入源节点编号,并在command窗口中输出从源节点到所有目的节点的最短路长及最短路。注:要输出整条路径,而不仅仅是前一跳,也不允许逆序输出。 (Task: Dijkstra' s algorithm to achieve the project name: Project_ShortestPath requirements: achieve Dijkstra algorithm, the algorithm written in the body CGraph class requires input from the command window, the source node number, and in the command window, all of the output from the source node to the destination node shortest long and the shortest. Note: To export the entire path, not just before the jump, do not allow reverse output.)
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  • improvedKMPalgorithm
    大学计算机专业,数据结构中的改进的KMP算法,C++编写。(University computer science, data structures to improve the KMP algorithm, C++ written.)
    2010-05-24 12:45:20下载
  • astar
    A*算法 1、将开始节点放入开放列表(开始节点的F和G值都视为0) 2、重复以下步骤: 在开放列表中查找具有最小F值的节点,并把查找到的节点作为当前节点 把当前节点从开放列表删除, 加入到封闭列表. (A* algorithm 1, will begin to node placed in the and opening up list of (the began to node of the F and G values ​ ​ are regarded as 0) 2, repeat the the following steps: to Find a the has a the the smallest F value of the node in the the and opening up list of, and put Find a to the node as the current node current node is removed from the open list, added to the closed list.)
    2013-04-04 11:06:42下载
  • Ex1
    从屏幕输入字符 判断括号匹配问题 数据结构作业(Judgment parenthesis matching data structure operations input characters from the screen)
    2012-11-27 15:17:10下载
  • joseph
    用链表解决约瑟夫问题。 约瑟夫环是一个数学的应用问题:已知n个人(以编号1,2,3...n分别表示)围坐在一张圆桌周围。从编号为k的人开始报数,数到m的那个人出列;他的下一个人又从1开始报数,数到m的那个人又出列;依此规律重复下去,直到圆桌周围的人全部出列。 其中包括一个实验报告,介绍了编程思路和输出结果截图。(List to resolve Joseph. Josephus is the application of a mathematical problem: Given n individuals (numbered 1, 2, 3, ... n, respectively) sitting around a round table around. From number k people began to count off the number to m the man out of the line his next person and from a number off, the man was out of the line number to m so regularly repeated down until roundtable around of the people all of the columns. Including a lab report describes the programming ideas and output screenshots.)
    2012-08-27 22:37:52下载
  • dd2
    自己用c语言写的一个模块化多电平最近电平调制排序的c程序,希望对大家有帮助(Own use c language written in a modular multi-level modulation level recently sort of c program, we hope to help)
    2014-05-21 20:19:49下载
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