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第一部分 c#的基本数据类型、数组类型和图形基础 第1章 c#语言基础 2 1.1 数据类型 2 1.1.1 简单类型 2 1.1.2 结构类型 5 1.1.3 枚举类型 6 1.1.4 数组类型 7 1.1.5 类类型 10 1.1.6 类型转换 11 1.2 类 14 1.3 接口 29 1.4 委托与事件 31 第2章 图形基础 34 2.1 笔和画刷 34 2.1.1 pen 类 34 2.1.2 brush 类 35 2.2 基本图形形状 37 2.2.1 点 37 2.2.2 直线和曲线 37 2.2.3 矩形、椭圆形和圆弧形 40 2.2.4 多边形 42 2.3 颜色 44 2.4 双倍缓存 66 第3章 坐标系统和颜色变换 69 3.1 坐标系统 69 3.2 颜色变换 77 第二部分 二维图形的基本算法 第4章 二维矩阵和变换 82 4.1 矩阵基础和变换 82 4.2 齐次坐标 82 4.2.1 齐次坐标中的缩放 83 4.2.2 齐次坐标中的平移 83 4.2.3 齐次坐标中的旋转 84 4.2.4 变换组合 85 4.2.5 c#中矩阵的定义 86 4.2.6 c#中的矩阵操作 87 4.2.7 c#中基本的矩阵变换 89 4.3 c#中图形对象的变换 93 基本变换 93 4.4 c#中的多对象变换 101 4.5 文字变换 105 第5章 二维线形图形 109 5.1 序列化和反序列化及二维图形的基本框架 109 5.1.1 c#序列化和反序列化 110 5.1.2 二维图形的基本框架 113 5.2 二维图形 248 5.2.1 简单实例 248 5.2.2 图例 278 5.2.3 符号 289 5.2.4 对数比例 302 5.2.5 图形的修饰 308 5.3 阶梯状图 316 5.4 多y轴图 318 第6章 特殊二维图形 327 6.1 创建柱状图 327 6.1.1 水平柱状图 327 6.1.2 垂直柱状图 343 6.1.3 图形充填柱状图 344 6.1.4 重叠柱状图 346 6.2 饼状图 348 6.3 误差图 361 6.4 股票图 367 6.4.1 最高最低收盘价股票图 368 6.4.2 最高最低开盘收盘价股票图 369 6.4.3 最高最低价股票图 377 6.4.4 k 线图(阴阳烛图) 380 6.5 面积图 389 6.6 综合图 390 第三部分 三维图形的相关知识及三维图形的实现 第7章 三维矩阵和变换 396 7.1 三维数学概念 396 7.1.1 操作三维对象 396 7.1.2 数学结构 397 7.2 三维中的基本矩阵和变换 402 7.2.1 c#中三维点和矩阵的操作 403 7.2.2 三维的基本变换 405 7.3 方位角和仰角 434 7.4 三维图形中的特殊坐标系统 439 7.4.1 球坐标系统 440 7.4.2 圆柱坐标系统 443 7.5 特殊坐标中的实际应用 447 7.5.1 球坐标示例 447 7.5.2 双缓存 463 第8章 三维图形 473 8.1 三维图形基础 473 8.1.1 point3和matrix3类 473 8.1.2 chartstyle类 476 8.1.3 坐标轴 496 8.1.4 网格线 496 8.1.5 标签 497 8.2 三维折线图 503 8.3 三维图形函数包 508 8.3.1 chartstyle2d类 509 8.3.2 point4类 515 8.3.3 dataseries类 516 8.3.4 chartfunctions类 521 8.3.5 drawchart类 526 8.4 曲面图的实现 541 8.4.1 网格图 541 8.4.2 幕布网格图 548 8.4.3 瀑布网格图 551 8.4.4 曲面图 553 8.5 x-y平面色彩图 559 8.6 轮廓图 564 8.6.1 轮廓图的算法 564 8.6.2 轮廓图的实现 564 8.7 组合图 569 8.7.1 三维体系中的x-y色彩图 570 8.7.2 三维体系中的轮廓图 571 8.7.3 网格-轮廓组合图 575 8.7.4 曲面-轮廓组合图 576 8.7.5 填充曲面-轮廓组合图 576 8.8 三维柱状图 577 实现柱状图 577 8.9 切片图 591 切片图的实现 591 第四部分 c#中应用微软office的excel实现各种二维及



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  • 【PDF】《Machine learning A Probabilistic Perspective》 MLAPP;by Kevin Murphy
    完整版,带目录,机器学习必备经典;大部头要用力啃。Machine learning A Probabilistic PerspectiveMachine LearningA Probabilistic PerspectiveKevin P. MurphyThe mit PressCambridge, MassachusettsLondon, Englando 2012 Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanicalmeans(including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval)without permission inwriting from the publisherFor information about special quantity discounts, please email special_sales@mitpress. mit. eduThis book was set in the HEx programming language by the author. Printed and bound in the UnitedStates of AmLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication InformationMurphy, Kevin Png:a piobabilistctive/Kevin P. Murphyp. cm. -(Adaptive computation and machine learning series)Includes bibliographical references and indexisBn 978-0-262-01802-9 (hardcover: alk. paper1. Machine learning. 2. Probabilities. I. TitleQ325.5M872012006.31-dc232012004558109876This book is dedicated to alessandro, Michael and stefanoand to the memory of gerard Joseph murphyContentsPreactXXVII1 IntroductionMachine learning: what and why?1..1Types of machine learning1.2 Supervised learning1.2.1Classification 31.2.2 Regression 83 Unsupervised learning latent factors 111.3.3 Discovering graph structure 131.3.4 Matrix completion 141.4 Some basic concepts in machine learning 161.4.1Parametric vs non-parametric models 161.4.2 A simple non-parametric classifier: K-nearest neighbors 161.4.3 The curse of dimensionality 181.4.4 Parametric models for classification and regression 191.4.5Linear regression 191.4.6Logistic regression1.4.7 Overfitting 221.4.8Model selection1.4.9No free lunch theorem242 Probability2.1 Introduction 272.2 A brief review of probability theory 282. 2. 1 Discrete random variables 282. 2.2 Fundamental rules 282.2.3B292. 2. 4 Independence and conditional independence 302. 2. 5 Continuous random variable32CONTENTS2.2.6 Quantiles 332.2.7 Mean and variance 332.3 Some common discrete distributions 342.3.1The binomial and bernoulli distributions 342.3.2 The multinomial and multinoulli distributions 352. 3.3 The Poisson distribution 372.3.4 The empirical distribution 372.4 Some common continuous distributions 382.4.1 Gaussian (normal) distribution 382.4.2Dte pdf 392.4.3 The Laplace distribution 412.4.4 The gamma distribution 412.4.5 The beta distribution 422.4.6 Pareto distribution2.5 Joint probability distributions 442.5.1Covariance and correlation442.5.2 The multivariate gaussian2.5.3 Multivariate Student t distribution 462.5.4 Dirichlet distribution 472.6 Transformations of random variables 492. 6. 1 Linear transformations 492.6.2 General transformations 502.6.3 Central limit theorem 512.7 Monte Carlo approximation 522.7.1 Example: change of variables, the MC way 532.7.2 Example: estimating T by Monte Carlo integration2.7.3 Accuracy of Monte Carlo approximation 542.8 Information theory562.8.1Entropy2.8.2 KL dive572.8.3 Mutual information 593 Generative models for discrete data 653.1 Introducti653.2 Bayesian concept learning 653.2.1Likelihood673.2.2 Prior 673.2.3P683.2.4Postedictive distribution3.2.5 A more complex prior 723.3 The beta-binomial model 723.3.1 Likelihood 733.3.2Prior743.3.3 Poster3.3.4Posterior predictive distributionCONTENTS3.4 The Dirichlet-multinomial model 783. 4. 1 Likelihood 793.4.2 Prior 793.4.3 Posterior 793.4.4Posterior predictive813.5 Naive Bayes classifiers 823.5.1 Model fitting 833.5.2 Using the model for prediction 853.5.3 The log-sum-exp trick 803.5.4 Feature selection using mutual information 863.5.5 Classifying documents using bag of words 84 Gaussian models4.1 Introduction974.1.1Notation974. 1.2 Basics 974. 1.3 MlE for an mvn 994.1.4 Maximum entropy derivation of the gaussian 1014.2 Gaussian discriminant analysis 1014.2.1 Quadratic discriminant analysis(QDA) 1024.2.2 Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) 1034.2.3 Two-claSs LDA 1044.2.4 MLE for discriminant analysis 1064.2.5 Strategies for preventing overfitting 1064.2.6 Regularized LDA* 104.2.7 Diagonal LDA4.2.8 Nearest shrunken centroids classifier1094.3 Inference in jointly Gaussian distributions 1104.3.1Statement of the result 1114.3.2 Examples4.3.3 Information form 1154.3.4 Proof of the result 1164.4 Linear Gaussian systems 1194.4.1Statement of the result 1194.4.2 Examples 1204.4.3 Proof of the result1244.5 Digression: The Wishart distribution4.5. 1 Inverse Wishart distribution 1264.5.2 Visualizing the wishart distribution* 1274.6 Inferring the parameters of an MVn 1274.6.1 Posterior distribution of u 1284.6.2 Posterior distribution of e1284.6.3 Posterior distribution of u and 2* 1324.6.4 Sensor fusion with unknown precisions 138
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