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于 2009-04-11 发布 文件大小:266KB
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  擅 蔓:以人脸的表情识别为实验背景, 分析了在对人脸表情的识别过程中,单个独立分薰对识别率的影响,由此进一步总结了在表情识 别中如何更有效地选取独立子空间,以实现在不影响识别率的前提下,减少用于构成独立子空问所需的独立分量的个数。 独立成分分析;表情识别;独立子空间 (Good man: Face to face identification for the experimental background, the analysis of facial expressions in the identification process, a single smoked separate the impact of the recognition rate, thus further summarized in the expression recognition of how to more effectively select the independent sub-space in order to achieve the recognition rate does not affect the premise, for constituting a separate sub-reducing space required for the number of independent component. Independent component analysis expression recognition independent subspace)



0 个回复

  • matlba
    matlab escription for using
    2010-11-13 21:17:04下载
  • imageRotate
    在matlab中,实现图像旋转(两种方法:临近法、双线性法)(In matlab, the realization of image rotation (two methods: near the bilinear method))
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  • wimax_decode
    说明:  1, 自动去除导频,空子载波的simulink模块 2, 接下来是转二进制的模块(集成在解交织解卷积模型里,用一个Interger2Bit实现) 3, 然后是解交织解卷积模型—deconv. 负责解交织和解卷积 4, 再就是解RS解随机化模型—decode_new. 负责解RS解随机化 5, decode.m文件: 负责主程序的运行,实现参数的输入和修改,支持各种调制编码方式 (1, automatically remove the pilot, take advantage of the simulink Carrier Module 2, followed by a binary switch module (integrated in deinterleave deconvolution model, with a Interger2Bit achieve) 3, followed by deconvolution model deinterleave-deconv . responsible for reconciliation deinterleave convolution 4, Then solution RS solution model random-decode_new. responsible solution RS solution randomized 5, decode.m documents: the main program is responsible for the operation, to achieve input and modify parameters to support a variety of modulation encoding)
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  • kohonen
    kohonen- redes neuronales
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  • mag_response
    this programs finds the magnitude and phase response of a second order resonator or any other system
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  • signal-process
    信号检测很有用的参考资料,很全。非常适合自学者(signal processing ,good for newer)
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  • matlabcheliang
    车辆道路谱时域频域平均功率谱分析matlab程序(Road vehicles, the average spectrum of time domain frequency domain power spectral analysis matlab program)
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  • varimax
    Matlab编写的REOF程序,比EOF更能刻画局部特征。(The Matlab' s written REOF the program more than EOF portray local features.)
    2020-11-29 16:59:28下载
    利用matlab和ug联合进行齿轮设计,先求解,再建模,思路很新鲜(Ug joint use matlab and gear design, first solved, and then modeling, very fresh ideas)
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