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于 2010-09-30 发布 文件大小:4KB
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  modeling of power lines using matlab software



0 个回复

  • 113172219hog
    description phog en matlab
    2009-09-24 23:21:58下载
  • MFCBandFilter
    一个用MFC写的滤波器源代码,代码结构非常精巧,可以参考 功能:1 固定带通滤波 2 可变带通滤波 3 噪声删除 4 输入输出误差计算 实现比较简单,由于使用了Microsoft Foundation classes,代码流程很简单,但是实现的功能比较充分 Filter.h:头文件,定义了CFilterApp 类 Filter.cpp:利用MFC的函数实现了CFilterApp Filter.rc:资源文件,包括对话框和图标的说明(use a filter to write MFC source code, code structure is very delicate, can be functional : a fixed band-pass filtering two variable bandpass filter to delete four 3 noise input and output error calculation is relatively simple to achieve. As the use of Microsoft Foundation classes, code process is simple, but to achieve the more fully functional Filter.h : The first document, CFilterApp definition of the category Filter.cpp : MFC function realized CFilterApp Filter.rc : resource files, including dialog box and the note icon)
    2006-12-04 17:13:56下载
  • DigModTutorial
    介绍通信系统基本结构的simulink仿真程序,包括了脉冲成形,OOK,BPSK,4-ASK,QPSK,Offset-QPSK,MSK,16-QAM的调制解调simulink仿真,可以观察的调制波形和误码率。(This tutorial program introduces the infrastructure of commnication system in simulink form.It contains the simulation of Pulse Shape,OOK,BPSK,4-ASK,QPSK,Offset-QPSK,MSK,16-QAM, and the result form of waveline and error rate can be showed in simulation.)
    2012-06-08 22:14:51下载
  • CM1IterateStabilization
    Matlab做的数值计算实验,使用迭代法求解方程的根,算法经典,其中有详细的实验报告和数据,对数值计算课程学习及MATLAB编程有较大帮助。(Matlab done numerical experiments, using iterative ways root, the classical algorithm. including a detailed report and experimental data, the numerical calculation courses and MATLAB programming be helpful.)
    2007-06-17 02:16:15下载
  • fuijiu
    仿真图是速度、距离、幅度三维图像,预报误差法参数辨识-松弛的思想,合成孔径雷达(SAR)目标成像仿真。( FIG simulation speed, distance, amplitude three-dimensional image, Prediction Error Method for Parameter Identification- the idea of relaxation, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging simulation target.)
    2017-02-06 22:04:26下载
  • mat2tiles
    breaks up an array into a cell array of adjacent sub-arrays of equal sizes
    2021-03-11 16:59:25下载
  • pso
    说明:  基于罚函数的粒子群算法,可求解带有非线性约束的优化问题。(Particle swarm optimization (PSO) based on penalty function can solve optimization problems with non-linear constraints.)
    2019-06-29 18:52:15下载
  • MPEGAudio
    coding. Input QUALITY determines the amount of information that 3/20/06 by R.Woods to correct an eob coding problem, to check the quality input for <
    2013-12-28 03:42:20下载
  • ieee-30
    实现了30节点的状态估计,对比了ekf,ukf,ckf和aukf(A 30-node state estimation is implemented, comparing ekf, ukf, ckf, and aukf)
    2021-02-05 13:09:57下载
  • RD
    说明:  关于SAR成像的matlab程序,感觉还可以(Matlab on the SAR imaging process can feel)
    2010-10-13 14:33:51下载
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