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( Doyub Kim Fluid Engine Development.pdf )Doyub Kim Fluid Engine Development.pdfTaylor francisTaylor Francis Grouphttp://taylorandfrancis.comT& F Cat #K25519K25519C000— page l-10/21/2016-17:12LUID ENGINEDEVELOPMENTDOYUB KIM(CRC CRC PressTaylor & fiBoca raton london new yorkCRC Press is an imprint of theTaylor francis Group, an informa businessAN AK PETERS BOOKT& F Cat #K25519—K25519C000- page l-10/21/2016—17:12CRC PressTaylor Francis Group6000 Broken Sound parkway nw, suite 300Boca Raton, FL 33487-274@2017 by Taylor Francis Group, LLCCRC Press is an imprint of Taylor Francis Group, an Informa businessNo clain lo original U.S. Government worksPrinted on acid-free paperVersion date: 20161019International Standard book Number -13: 978-1-4987-1992-6(Pack- Book and ebook)This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reasonable effortshave been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assumeresponsibility for the validily of all materials or the consequences of their use. The authors and publisherhave attempted to trace the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize toc ht holders if permission to publish in this form has not been obtained If any cocht m aterial hnot been acknowledged please write and let us know so we may rectify in any future reprintExcept as permitted under U.S. Copyright L aw, no part of this book may be reprinted, reproduced, transmitted, or utilized in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented,including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system,without written permission from tblishTorpermissiontophotocopyorusematerialelectronicallyfromthisworkpleaseaccesswww.copyrightcom(http://www.copyright.com/)orcontacttheCopyrightClearanceceNter,inC.(ccc),222RosewoodDrive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400. CCC is a not-for-profit organization that provides licenses andregistration for a variety of users. For organizations that have been granted a photocopy license by the CCC,a separate system of payment has been arranged.Trademark Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are usedonly for identification and explanation without intent to infringeLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataNames: Kim, Doyub, author.Title: Fluid engine development/Doyub KimDescription: Boca Raton: Taylor Francis, a CRC title, part of the TaylorFrancis imprint, a member of the taylor Francis group the academicdivision of T&F Informa, plc, [2017] Includes bibliographical referencesnd indIdentifiers: LCCN 2016028981 ISBN 9781498719926(hardback: acid-free paperSubjects: LCSH: Hydrodynamata processing. Fluids--Computer simulaticClassilication: LCC QA911 K485 2017 DDC 532.00285, 66--dc23Lcrecordavailableathttps://icCn.loc.sov/2016028981Visit the Taylor& Francis Webhttp://www.taylorandfrancis.comand the Crc Press Web site athttp!/www.crcpT&FCat#K25519K25519000— page iv-10/21/2016—17:12To my wifeT& F Cat #K25519K25519C000— page v-10/21/2016-1712Taylor francisTaylor Francis Grouphttp://taylorandfrancis.comT& F Cat #K25519K25519C000— page l-10/21/2016-17:12ContentsPresaList of FigureslI1 Basics1.1 Hello. Fluid SinIdulator1.1.1 Defining State1.1.2 Computing Motion1. 1.3 Boundary handling11.4 Visualization11134621.1.5 Final Rcsult1.2 How to read This book121.2.1 Getting the Codes131.2.2 Rcading codcs131. 2.2. 1 Languages131.2.2.2 Source code st131.2.2.3 Naming Conventions141.2.2.4 Constants151.2.2.5 Array151.2.3 Reading math Expressions01.2.3.1 Scalar. Vector and Matrix201.3 Math1.3. 1 Coordinate System211.3.2 Vector211.3.2.1 Basic Operations241.3.2.2 Dot and cross product261.3.2.3 More Operations273.3 Matri1.3.3.1 Basic Matrix Operations1.3.3.2 Sparse Matrix361.3.4 System of Linear Equations371.3.4.1 Direct Methods1.3.4.2 Indirect Methods381. 3.5 Field421.3.5.1 Partial derivative451.3.5.2 GradientT&FCat#K25519—K25519C000— page vll-10/21/2016-17:12Contents1.3.5.3 Divergence481.3.54C511.3.5.5 Laplacian531.3.6 Interpolation561.3.6.1 Nearest point581.3.6.2 Linear Interpolation591.3.6.3 Cat, mull-Rom Spline Interpolation61eometry631. 4.1 Surface671.4.3 Implicit Surface to Explicit Surface1.4.4 Explicit Surface to Implicit Surface1.5 Animation番普721.6 Physics-Based Animation1.6.1 Getting Started771.6. 2 Physics Animation with Example781.6.2. 1 Choosing a Model781. 6. 2.2 Simulation State791.6.2.3 Force and Motion801.6.2. 4 Time Integration871.6. 2.5 Constraints and collisions891.7 Fluid Animation911.7.1 Gravity1.7.2P1.7.3 Viscosity1.7.4 Density Constraint2 Particle-Based Simulation992.1 Seeing the World Like Seurat992 Data Structi2.2.1 Particle System Data1002.2.2 Particle System Example2.2.3 Neighbor1082.2.3.1 Searching Nearby Particlesl092.2.3.2 Caching Neighbors2.3 SOothed Particles116asics2.3.1.1 Kernel1172.3.1.2 Data Model119lerdO1202.3.1.4 Density1212.3.1.5 Differential Operators2.3.2 Dynamics1302.3.2. 1 Solver Over view1312.3.2.2 Pressure gradient Force133T&FCa#K25519—K25519C000— page vil-10/21/2016—17:12Contents2.3.2.3 Viscosity1372.3.2.4 Gravity and Drag Forces1372.3.3 Results and limitations1382.4 Incompressible SPii with Larger Time-Step12.4Predict and correct2.4.2 Implementation2.4.3 Results1472.5 Collision Handling1492.5.1 Defining colliders1502.6 Discussion and further reading1553 Grid-Based simulation1573.1 Pixelating the World1573. 2 Data Structures1573.2.1 Types of grid1593.2.2 Grid System D1663.3 Differential Operators1693.3.1 Finite difference1703.3.2 Gradient1723.3. 3 Divergence1733.3.4 Curl1763.3.5 Lap1783. 4 Fluid simulation1803.4.1 Collision Handling1823.4.1.1 Collider to Signed-Distance Field1823.4.1.2 Boundary Conditions1833.4.2 Advection1873.4.2.1 Semi-Lagrangian Method1883.4.2.2Ing Backg Accurac1923.4.2.3 Improving Interpolation Accuracy1943.4.2.4 Boundary handlingg1963.43G1983.4.4. 1 Solving Diffusion with Forward Euler1993.4.4.2 Stability of diffuusIonSol2013.4.4.3 Solving DiffusiOn with Backward Euler2033.4.4.4 Boundary Handling2083.4.5 Pressure and Incompressibility2113.4.5. 1 Building matrix2143.5 Smoke simulation2203.5.1 Buoyancy Force2223.5.2 Advection and Diffusioll3.6 Fluid with Surface2233.6.1 Defining surfacc on grids233.6.1.1 Tracking the Surface under the Flow263.6.1.2 Reinitializing Signed-Distance Field226T&FCat#K25519—K25519C000— page ix-10/21/2016—17:12



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  • NGSIM使用手册(1)
    美国NGSIM系统的使用手册,方便读者高效的利用NGSIM进行数据下载,完成交通领域的研究Technical Report Documentation Page1. Report No2. Government Accession no3. Recipients Catalog NoFHWA-HOP-06-0124. Title and subtitle5. Report DateNext Generation Simulation(NGSIM) Data Format Planly20046. Performing Organization Code7. Author(s8. Performing Organization report noVijay Kovvali, richard margiotta, Robert franc, vassiliAlexiadis9. Performing Organization Name and Address10. Work Unit NoCAMBRIDGE SYSTEMATIC INC150 CAMBRIDGE PARK DRIVE SUITE 400011. Contract or grant noCAMBRIDGE MA 02140DTFH61-02-C-0003612. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address13. Type of Report and Period CoveredDepartment of transportationFinal reportFederal Highway AdministrationJuly 2003-july 2004Office of Acquisition Management14. Sponsoring Agency Code400 Seventh Street SW, RM 4410Washington, DC 2059015. Supplementary notesFHWA COTR: John Halkias, Office of Operations, and James Colyar, Office of Operations r&d16. AbstractThe Next Generation Simulation Program(NGSIM) Data Format Plan was developed to define thestructure, documentation, and transfer requirements for data that will be collected for estimationcalibration, and validation of core behavioral algorithms. The development of the data Format Plan isbased on existing formats that are relevant to ngsim and augmented to fill in gaps. to this end, a reviewof existing data formats was undertaken and their relevance to NGSiM was assessed. The review includeddata standards developed for intelligent transportation systems(ITS), data formats developed specificallyfor traffic simulation models, and data formats developed for broader transportation applications. Thespecified data formats were developed with the objective of promoting efficient research by maintainingonsistency between data collection and research, and providing consistent storage and transmittalprotocols. On the other hand, this plan intentionally avoids over specification of data formats, so as tominimize unnecessary limitations to research. This document specifies the conceptual data model by meansof Unified Modeling Language UMl class diagrams; the data dictionary in the data standard prescribed bP1489-1999 format developed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(IEEE); the dataexchange structure for data transfer from user to user or from the database/repository to users; and theNGSIM metadata17. Key words1 8. Distribution StatementNext generation simulation, NGSIM, trafficNo restrictions. This document is available to thesimulation, high-level plan, traffic data collection, public through the National Technical Informationvehicle trajectory dataService, Springfield, VA2216119. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No of Pages22. PriceUnclassifiedUnclassifiedForm dot e1700.7(8-72)Reproduction of completed pages authorizedTABLE OF CONTENTSEXECUTIVE SUMMARY1.0 INTRODUCTION1.1High- Level plan context……垂垂垂垂·着垂垂垂垂非垂·非垂垂看垂音非非;·垂垂音看垂看垂1.2 Background1.3 Data Collection Types……1344581. 4 Data Conversion1.5 Data Formats·····.···············.··.···.·;···..·.··..·.···2.0 NGSIM DATA REQUIREMENTS22 Microsimulation Software Data format,…………172.1 NGSIM Data…192.3 Rcquirements for NgsiM data Collection..................193.0 RECOMMENDED NGSIM DATA FORMATS..m. 233.1 NGSIM Data model233.2 NGSIM Data Dictionary……………243.3 NGSIM Metadata.............................253.4 NGSIM Data Exchange Format273.5 File and Directory Naming Convention……293.6 Summary30REFERENCES31APPENDIX A-REVIEW OF EXISTING TRANSPORTATION DATA FORMATS3APPENDIX B-ACCURACY REQUIREMENTS FOR NGSIM DATACOLLECTION,45APPENDIX C-DATA MODEL∴….,,53APPENdIXD-DATA DICTIONARY.APPENDIX E-METADATA. ...........................................................................................99APPENdIX F-SYSTEM-STATE DATA看香音看音香n117List of FiguresFigure 1 Diagram. NGSIM task interdependencies4Figure2. Diagran. Data format classification relevant to ngsim1………Figure 3. Diagram. Top level data model of general traffic simulation55Figure4. Diagram. Influencing factors database packages………………56Figure 5. Diagram. Behavioral models packages57Figure6. Diagran. Facility type generalization…………18Figure 7. Diagram. Traffic management systems generalization......59Figure 8. Diagram. Transit management systems generalizationFigure9. Diagran. nvironment generalization.………………………0Figure 10. Diagram NTCIP Controller class diagram61Figure 11 Diagram Actuated traffic signal controller generalization2Figure12 Diagram. Generalized microsimulation data model………………63Figure 13 Diagram Data concept components and constructs(IEEE Std 1489-1999)66List of tablesTable 1. Example validation data by algorithm categoryTable 2. Summary of NGSiM categorizations for data formatsTable 3. Accuracy requirements for vehicle trajectory data. ..45Table 4. Accuracy requirements for instrumented vehicle data.........46Table 5. Accuracy requirements for wide-area detector data......... 47Table 6. Accuracy requirements for nctwork-rclated data48Table 7. Accuracy requirements for representative transportation managementsystems data52Table 8. Terminology for UMLmodeler54Table 9. Data dictionary for NgSim.67Table 10 processing documentation metadata for ngsimwwwwwm116Table1l. Requisite vehicle trajectory data…………………………117Table 12. requisite wide-area detector data requirements……118EXECUTIVE SUMMARYThe Next Generation Simulation Program(NGsim) Data Format plan was developed todefine the structure, documentation, and transfer requirements for data that will be col-lected for estimation, calibration, and validation of core behavioral algorithms. Thedevelopment of the data format plan is based on existing formats that are relevant toNGSIM and augmented to fill in gaps. To this end, a review of existing data formats wasundertaken and their relevance to ngsim was assessed. The review included data standards developed for intelligent transportation systems (ITS), data formats developed spe-cifically for traffic simulation models and data formats developed for broader transporta-tion applications. The specified data formats were developed with the objective of pro-moting efficient research by maintaining consistency between data collection andresearch, and providing consistent storage and transmittal protocols. On the other handthis plan intentionally avoids overspecification of data formats, so as to minimize unnecessary limitations to researchFour data format components were specified in this document, including: 1)data model,2)data dictionary, 3 )metadata, and 4) data exchange formatNGSIM Data Model- The conceptual data model for NGSIM data formats is pre-sented by means of Unified Modeling Language() class diagrams. Used in con-junction with the data dictionary, the data model allows for construction of a formaldatabase/repository for NGSIM validation dataNGSIM Data Dictionary This provides definition of individual data elementsrequired by NGsim. It follows the data standard prescribed by P1489-1999 formatdeveloped by the Institutc of Elcctrical and Electronics Engineers(ieee)NGSIM Data Exchange Format- The data cxchange structure dcfincs how datashould be transferred from user to user or from the database /repository to users. Thisdocument specifies the framework for developing data exchange formats by providingthe data model and the data dictionary; it also provides clear guidance on the formatstandards with which the data exchange format should conform Currently it doesnot provide specific schema for the data exchange formatsNGSIM Metadata- This includes both traditional metadata(definitions, specificationsand valid value lists for data elements and general information about the dataset andits availability); and processing metadata(what has happened to the data from data col-lection to data archival). Administrative metadata formats were adapted fromContent Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata(FGDC-STD-001-1998), developedby the Federal Geographic Data Committee(FGDC). Recommendations for NGSiMprocessing metadata are based on the guidance provided in ASTM E2259-03, devel-oped by the American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTm)1.0 INTRODUCTIONThe objectives of the NGsim program include the followingDevelopment of a core set of open behavioral algorithms in support of traffic simulation with a primary focus on microscopic modelingCollection of extensive data that will be used for estimation calibration and validationof the core behavioral algorithms; and storing the data in a repository that can be uni-versally accessedThe High-Level Plan for DatasetsTask E3)identified different kinds of traffic data col-lection methods and technologies and recommended three kinds of data collection effortsfor ngsim, including vehicle trajectory data wide area detector data and instrumentedvehicle dataThis report Task F)presents the documentation, format structure, and transfer requirements for the ngsim data formats for these data collection efforts identified in task e3This report is organized as followsExecutive Summary -Provides an executive summary of this documentSection1.0-Provides an overview and introduction to this report, including the con-text of the data format plan within NGsIM, information on NGsim data collection anddata types, information on data conversion, general information on data formats, anda summary of available transportation data formats and their relevance for ngsimSection 2.0-Presents definitions and categorization for different data types, and pro-vides ngsim data requirementsSection 3.0-Presents data format recommendations for the NGsim program,including a data model, data elements for the data dictionary, metadata to describe thedata collection effort and data exchange formatsReferences-Presents references used in developing this data format planAppendix a-Presents a review of existing transportation data formatsAppendix B-Presents accuracy requirements for NGSiM data collectionAppendix C- Presents a UML representation of the ngsim data modelAppendix D-Presents a high-level NGSIM data dictionaryAppendix E- Presents metadata categories, dictionary, and recommended metadataformats for ngsim1.1 HIGH-LEVEL PLAN CONTEXTInterdependencies among NGSIM tasks are shown in figure 1. The High-Level Plan forDatasets(Task E. 3) presents an assessment of existing datasets of potential use for NGSIM,and makes recommendations on the focus for nGsim data collection methodologies. Thisreport on the data Format Plan task f) provides recommendations on the data exchangeformat(s) for NGSIM data collection efforts. The data formats are also influenced by theHigh-Level Verification and Validation Plan(task e 2)Task E 1-1Core algorithmAssessmentTask e,3Task e.1-2Task e2High-LevelCore AlgorithmHigh-Level Verificationlan for DatasetsPlanandⅤ alidation planTask eData format planFigure 1 Diagram. NGSIM task interdependencies.1.2 BACKGROUNDThe NGSiM field data collection effort pursues data required for developing, estimating,calibrating and validating traffic behavioral algorithms. Tactical route execution, opera-tional driving, and en-route strategic traveler behaviors were identified as the focus of theNGSIM core behavioral algorithm research in the identification and prioritization of coreAlgorithms Task D)report. The High-Level Verification and Validation Plan(task e2)provides an example of the data collection datasets for each algorithm category as shownin table 1. the table illustrates the extent over which data must be collected for each levelof algorithm. For example, for operational driving algorithms, a single stretch of roadwayon a freeway will likely be sufficient, while, for development of tactical driving algo-rithms, the data collection effort should be expanded to include the freeway section andmultiple entry and exit ramps that feed the freeway. The data formats developed in thisplan address the data, both static and dynamic, that are pertinent to the data collectionefforts necessary for developing and validating all three categories of driver behavioralalgorithms4
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