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    V-M双闭环不可逆直流调速系统设计 1.技术要求: (1) 该调速系统能进行平滑的速度调节,负载电机不可逆运行,具有较宽的调速范围(D≥10),系统在工作范围内能稳定工作 (2) 系统静特性良好,无静差(静差率s≤2) (3) 动态性能指标:转速超调量δn<8%,电流超调量δi<5%,动态速降Δn≤8-10%,调速系统的过渡过程时间(调节时间)ts≤1s (4) 系统在5%负载以上变化的运行范围内电流连续 (5) 调速系统中设置有过电压、过电流等保护,并且有制动措施2.设计内容:(1) 根据题目的技术要求,分析论证并确定主电路的结构型式和闭环调速系统的组成,画出系统组成的原理框
  • matlab 2014b HDL Coder Users Guide
    Matlab 官方有关于HDL coder开发的详细技术文档, HDL Coder可以把Simulink模型、MATLAB代码和Stateflow框图生成位真、周期精确、可综合的Verilog和VHDL代码,很适合用于FPGA/ASCI的快速开发,里面还有大量的例程等等ContentsHDL Code generation from MATLaBMATLAB Algorithm DesignData Types and scope1-2Supported data TUsuppyted data type1-3Scope for variables1-3Operators1-4Arithmetic operate1-4Relational operators1-4ogical Operators1-5Control flow statements1-6Vector Function Limitations related to Control1-7PersistentⅤ ariables1-8Persistent Array variables1-10Complex data Type Support1-11Declaring complex signaIs1-11Conversion Between Complex and real signals1-12Support for vectors of Complex Numb1-12ystem Objects1-14Why use System objects?1-14Predefined System Object1-14User-Defined System ob1-14Limitations of HDL Code Generation for SystemObjects1-15System object Examples for HDL Code Generation.. 1-16Predefined System Objects Supported for HDL CodeGeneration1-17Load constants from a mat-file1-18Generate Code for User-Defined System Objects1-19How To Create a User-Defined System object1-1User-Defined System object Example1-19Map Matrices to ROM1-22Fixed-Point bitwise Functions1-231-23Bitwise Functions Supported for HDl Code Generation 1-23Fixed-Point Run-Time Library functions1-29Fixed-Point function limitations1-33Model State with Persistent variables and SysteObjects1-34Bit Shifting and bit rotation1-8Bit Slicing and Bit Concatenation1-41Guidelines for Efficient hdL code1-43MATLAB Design Requirements for HDL CodeGeneration1-44What is a matlab test bench?1-45MATLAB Test Bench Requirements and bestractices1-46MATLAB Test Bench requirements1-46MATLAB Test bench best practices1-46ContentsMATLAB Best Practices and Design Patterns forHDL Code generation2Model a counter for hdl code generation2-2MATLAB Counter2-2MATLAB Code for the counter2-3Best Practices in this Example2-4Model a state machine for HDL Code Generation2-5MATLAB State machinesMATLAB Code for the Mealy State MachineMATLAB Code for the moore state machine2-7Best practic2-9Generate hardware Instances For local functions2-10MATLAB Local functions2-10MATLAB Code for mlhdlc two counters. m2-10Implement RAM USing MATLAB Code2-13Implementation of RAM2-13Implement RAM Using a Persistent Array or Systemobject Properties2-13Implement RAM Using hdl. RAM2-14For-Loop best Practices for HDL Code generation2-16MATLAB Loops2-16Monotonically Increasing Loop Counters2-16Persistent Variables in Loops2-17Persistent Arrays in Loops2-17Fixed-Point Conversion3Floating-Point to Fixed-Point Conversion3-2Fixed-Point Type Conversion and Refinement3-16Working with Generated Fixed-Point Files3-26Specify Type Proposal Options3-33Log Data for Histogram3-37Automated Fixed-Point Conversion3-40License Requirements3-40Automated Fixed-Point Conversion Capabilities3-40Code Coverage3-42Proposing Data Types3-45Locking Proposed Data Types3-47Viewing functions3-47lew1ariables3-48Istogram ...3-54Function Replacements3-56Validating Types3-57g Numerics3-57Detecting Overflows3-57Custom plot functions3-59Visualize Differences Between Floating-Point and Fixed-Point results3-61Inspecting Data Using the Simulation Data Inspector 3-67What Is the Simulation Data Inspecto3-67Import Logged Data3-67Export Logged data3-67Group signals3-67Run options3-68Create Report3-68Comparison Options3-68Enabling Plotting Using the Simulation Data Inspector 3-68Save and Load simulation Data Inspector Sessions3-68Enable Plotting Using the Simulation Data Inspector 3-70From the UI3-70From the Command Line3-70Replacing Functions Using Lookup TableApproximations·3-72Replace a custom function with a lookup Table3-73From the UI3-73i ContentsFrom the Command line3-81Replace the exp Function with a Lookup Table3-84From the ui3-84From the Command line3-92Data Type Issues in Generated Code3-94Enable the highlight Option in a MaTLAB CoderProject3-94Enable the Highlight Option at the Command Line... 3-94Stowaway doubles3-94Stowaway singles3-94Expensive Fixed-Point operations3-94Code GenerationCreate and set Up Your Project4-2Create a New Project4-2Open an Existing ProjectAdd Files to the project4-4Primary Function Input Specification4-6When to Specify Input Properties4-6Why You must Specify Input Properties4-6Properties to Specify4-6Rules for Specifying Properties of Primary Inputs4-8Methods for Defining Properties of Primary Inputs4-8Basic hdl code generation with the workflowAdvisor4-10HDL Code Generation from System Objects4-14Generate Instantiable code for functions4-19How to generate Instantiable Code for Functions4-19Generate Code Inline for Specific Functions4-19Limitations for instantiable code generation forFunctions4-19Integrate Custom HDL Code Into MATLAB Design.. 4-21Define the hdl. Black Box System object4-21Use System object In MATLAB Design Function4-23Generate HDL Code4-23limitations for hdl. black box4-26Enable matLab function block generation4-27Requirements for MaTLAB Function Block Generation 4-27Enable matlab function block generation4-27Results of matlab function block generation4-27System Design with HDL Code Generation fromMATLAB and simulink4-28Generate Xilinx System Generator Black Box Block4-32Requirements for System Generator Black Box BlockGeneration4-32Enable System Generator black Box block GeResults of System Generator Black Box Bloc neration4-32Generation4-33Generate Xilinx System Generator for DsP black boxfrom MATLAB HDL Design4-34Generate HDL Code from MATLAB Code Using theCommand line interface4-40Specify the Clock Enable rate4-45Why specify the clock Enable rate?4-45How to Specify the clock Enable rate4-45Specify Test Bench Clock Enable Toggle rate4-47When to Specify Test Bench Clock Enable Toggle rate4-47How to Specify Test Bench Clock Enable Toggle rate4-47Generate an HDL Coding Standard report fromMATLAB4-49Using the hdl Workflow advisor4-49Using the Command Line4-51Generate an HDL Lint Tool script4-53How To generate an hdl lint Tool Script4-53ContentsGenerate a Board-Independent Ip core from MATLAB 4-55Generate a board-Independent Ip core4-55Requirements and Limitations for IP Core generation4-57Minimize clock enables4-58Using the GUi4-59Using the Command Line4-59Limitations4-59VerificationVerify Code with HDL Test Bench5-2Generate Test bench with file i/oWhen to Use file i/o In Test bench5-5How Test bench generation with file i/o works5-5Test Bench Data files5-5How to generate Test bench with file i/o5-6Limitations When Using File 1/0 In Test Bench5-6DeploymentGenerate Synthesis Scripts6-2Optimization7RAM Mapping7-2Map persistent Arrays and dsp. Delay to RAM7-3How To Enable RaM Mapping7-3RAM Mapping requirements for Persistent Arrays andSystem object PropertiesRAM Mapping Requirements for dsp. Delay Systemob7-6RAM Mapping Comparison for MATLAB Code7-8Pipelining7-9Port registers7-9Input and Output Pipeline registers7-9Variable pipelining7-9Register Inputs and Outputs7-10Insert Input and Output Pipeline registers7-11Distributed Pipelining7-12What is Distributed Pipelin7-12Benefits and Costs of Distributed pipelining7-12Selected Bibliograph7-12Pipeline matlab variables7-13Using the hdl Workflow Advisor7-13Using the Command Line Interface7-13Limitations of MatlAB Variable Pipelining7-13Optimize MatLAb loops7-15oop Streaming7-15Loop unrolling7-15How to Optimize maTLaB loops7-15Limitations for MaTLAB Loop Optimization7-16Constant Multiplier optimization7-17Specify constant multiplier optimization7-19Distributed Pipelining for Clock Speed Optimization7-20Map Matrices to Block RAMs to Reduce Area7-27Resource Sharing of Multipliers to Reduce Area7-32Loop streaming to Reduce Area7-41Contents
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