-120dBc∥Hzat10kHzOffsetat1.25GHz低噪声>.150dBc/Hz225MHZ275MHZGTonesSpaced2.5MHzw/1.25GS/sclock接-AgilentTechnologies2010-9-10宽带矢量调制信号合成会BA76dBIRECaded:unspeciedbeloy20MHa)平中产,叶提供宽带调制能力输出频率可选调制带宽为合成宽带基带信号软件合成雷达信号波形波形排序功能实现宽带捷变频信号建京软件欢系统系统误差诖行测试和校准系统基带时坤和本振参考与被测相参宽带矢量信号源仪表配置说明或矢量信号源频率范围为信号源输出须率范围调制情宽为:信号源外调制(标准配置宽带任意波发生器前面板频率范围为信号源输出颏※范围入调制带宽为:信号源宽带调制(选件)宽带任意波发生器率范围为信号源输出频率范调制带宽为后面板宽带输入波形计算矢量信号源宽带调制(选件宽带任意波发生器频率范围为信号源输出频率范围调制情宽为接-AgilentTechnologies10-IMDN开发者社群-imdn.cn"> -120dBc∥Hzat10kHzOffsetat1.25GHz低噪声>.150dBc/Hz225MHZ275MHZGTonesSpaced2.5MHzw/1.25GS/sclock接-AgilentTechnologies2010-9-10宽带矢量调制信号合成会BA76dBIRECaded:unspeciedbeloy20MHa)平中产,叶提供宽带调制能力输出频率可选调制带宽为合成宽带基带信号软件合成雷达信号波形波形排序功能实现宽带捷变频信号建京软件欢系统系统误差诖行测试和校准系统基带时坤和本振参考与被测相参宽带矢量信号源仪表配置说明或矢量信号源频率范围为信号源输出须率范围调制情宽为:信号源外调制(标准配置宽带任意波发生器前面板频率范围为信号源输出颏※范围入调制带宽为:信号源宽带调制(选件)宽带任意波发生器率范围为信号源输出频率范调制带宽为后面板宽带输入波形计算矢量信号源宽带调制(选件宽带任意波发生器频率范围为信号源输出频率范围调制情宽为接-AgilentTechnologies10 - IMDN开发者社群-imdn.cn">
首页 » Others » 用systemVue解决雷达测试


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用systemVue解决雷达测试方案中需要全面考虑到各种问题2010-9-10全数字式相控阵雷达H 8-Element Digital T/R ModuleH 8-Element Digital T/R ModuleFiber-optie 8-Element Digital T/R Module Hup/down linksA: Waveform andcontrol wordsKH DACUp/DownPower AmpB: Echo Data〔 m lines)ADCConverterRx protectorDigital T/R Module (Low-cost cell phonePower/ Coolingtechnolog Element Level.数字模块:包含微波电路,数字电路,时钟电路和光电路的复杂系统数字波束合成大容量高速数据传输技术高性能信号处理机:: Agilent Technologies日程安排●概述雷达信号的模拟雷达信号的分析模块级(T/R组件)测试接- Agilent Technologies2010-9-10雷达系统测试需要的激励信号基带Q波你号,∈○数字基带信号注入信号注入中频信号注入(距离和多勒放大器铝器中频放大放大二玉振LO这接收机替换信号处理饥信号类型测试应用技术要求正弦波信号替代系统本振等电路性能测试功率,频率精度,柞位噪声调制信号则试接收机或关键部件性能功率,频率精度,调制带宽,调制能力,调制精度大真信号则试接收机或关键处玨器性能号带宽,失真处理能力,信号幅度精度带信号则试模拟或数字基带电路性能模拟,数字信号输出能丿,数字接口形式,速率Agilent Technologies常用雷达信号类型及特点(1信号类型信号特点备注简单脉冲信号载波频率,重复周期和脉冲宽度固定或慢速变化雷达常用信号捷变信号脉冲重复间限脉冲间或脉冲组间)迅速变化,包用于动目标显示,脉冲多括参差,滑动和抖动笔形式。普勒等雷达频率捷变信号信号载波须率(脉冲内和脉冲间极脉沖组间)快速变用于雷达抗干扰术化率分集信号同时和接近问时发射的具有多个载波的信号用于雷达抗十扰技术极化变信弓射频徼波信号的极化方式(脉冲内,脉冲间和脉产组用户雷达抗干扰技术间)快速变化双脉冲信号在每个内有两个相邻的脉冲,脉冲隔为脉冲宽用于抗回答式干扰信号度的若干倍。双路信号具有一定相关性的两路信号同时发射。两路信号的用户反侦察秋抗干扰信号和载波频率可以相同也可个同。脉冲玉缩信号具备很大的时宽带宽积。包含线性调频,非线性频用于预警雷达和高分辨力信号,一相编码信号,多相编码信号和频率编鶴信号」雷达接- Agilent Technologies2010-9-10常用雷达信号类型及特点(2)信号类型信号特点备注脉冲编码信号|多为脉冲串形式,采用脉冲位置编码和脉冲幅度编码方用于航管,敌我识别和指令系统等。相参脉冲串信号在每个发射多个相邻的脉冲,包利均匀脉冲串信是一种大时宽信号,用于号,非均匀脉冲串信号和频率编码脉冲串信号等。搜索和跟踪雷达应用。连续波信号时间连续信号。包含单频连续波信号,多频连续波信号,用于日标测返,雷达高度调频连续波信号和二编码连续波信号。计和放撞雷达。分们频谱信号具有噪声类似柬声词制传性。时宽带宽积大。包含噪|用于目标识别和抗干扰等声突似噪声调频或调相信号超宽带冲激信号超宽带信号,无载波。用户目标识别,高分辨目标成像笭雷达:: Agilent Technologies脉冲压缩雷达信号问题:作用距离和标分辨率接- Agilent Technologies52010-9-10脉冲压缩雷达信号问题:作用距离和标分辨率R脉冲压缩雷达信号H(TransmitterSTALODETWeightingH*(w)_MANMatchedReduces sllFilterReceive△接- Agilent Technologies2010-9-10先进信号源仪表的合成信号功能E8257DPSG模拟信号源E8267DPSG矢量信号源频率范围覆盖至44GH67GH烦率覆盖/0.01Hz步进全部覆盖E8257功能及指标136cm-20dBm功率范围/08dB幅度精度唯一片微菠频段矢量调制信号源优良的相噪性能:-113dBc/H@?0 kHz offset20Gh;频率可实时合成微波段PSK,FSK,MSK,0AM信号AM,FM,FM,脉冲调制能力内部/外部Q存储器完成仟意波信号合成脉冲二:时间为:10ns.开关比:80dB160MHz/2GH洞制带宽选择步进/列表/斜坡扫描功能配合软什/分析仪表非实时合成复杂信号配合宽带仨意产生器实时合成复杂信号E品EEEg堂皇E8257D超大功率输出选件(521)Maximum output power(dBm)382570-J21 maximun uutput puweI10 to 250 MHz+7=27rp+28{-31typ-24 typ)186:020GH+24(-2e Marum wai ahle(messrS)Maximun leve ad powar sheaf ea" l12141620GHz的接- Agilent Technologies2010-9-10改善的E8257D信号源的相位噪声性能四04Hz)GHZGHz8010 GHz0⑩四1GHz-13-140-160170101001k10k100k1M10M100ML(f(dBc/Hz) vs f(Hz):: Agilent Technologies矢量信号合成系统输出接口件输出层信号数据存馅和调制。合成实际信号信号源输出信号的验证和定标宽带信号合路合成信号的验证和定标仪表下载的信号波形数据用户使用界面层用信号库文件根据测试要求对信号信号设置软件界面频率,时间标识等进行定义型号任务测试模式,:,,,控制仪表和数据下载软件数接口信号建立设汁层雷达信号模型建立息2雷达信号库建立通信信号模型建立通信信号厍建立用户采集信号库仿真信号的软件验证仿真信号实验信号采集数君雷达信亏库数字通信信号库验证工具B Agilent Technologies2010-9-10宽带信号模拟系统计算机及信号参数设置欤件LAN控制N241A多通道上丰宽带冮意波发生器宽带宽带微波微波微波微波矢量信号源矢量信号源矢量信号源矢量信号源矢量信号源信号信号信号信号合路系统曰盟系统输出宽带输出信号信号参数检测仪表:: Agilent Technologies高性能宽带任意波发生器一N8241A15Bt125G采样DAC电路Spurious Free Dynamic Range(SFDR每个仪表内置两个DAC杂波扣制性能高-65 dBcMarkerIMDb5443d8高相位噪声性能>-120dBc∥Hzat10kHzOffset at 1.25GHz低噪声>.150dBc/Hz225 MHZ275 MHZG Tones Spaced 2.5 MHz w/1.25GS/s clock接- Agilent Technologies2010-9-10宽带矢量调制信号合成会BA76 dBI RE Caded: unspecied beloy 20 MHa)平中产,叶提供宽带调制能力输出频率可选调制带宽为合成宽带基带信号软件合成雷达信号波形波形排序功能实现宽带捷变频信号建京软件欢系统系统误差诖行测试和校准系统基带时坤和本振参考与被测相参宽带矢量信号源仪表配置说明或矢量信号源频率范围为信号源输出须率范围调制情宽为:信号源外调制(标准配置宽带任意波发生器前面板频率范围为信号源输出颏※范围入调制带宽为:信号源宽带调制(选件)宽带任意波发生器率范围为信号源输出频率范调制带宽为后面板宽带输入波形计算矢量信号源宽带调制(选件宽带任意波发生器频率范围为信号源输出频率范围调制情宽为接- Agilent Technologies10



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    ansoft Maxwell 3d 向导式的用户界面、精度驱动的自适应剖分技术和强大的后处理器时的Maxwell 3D成为业界最佳的高性能三维电磁设计软件。可以分析涡流、位移电流、集肤效应和邻近效应具有不可忽视作用的系统,得到电机、母线、变压器、线圈等电磁部件的整体特性。功率损耗、线圈损耗、某一频率下的阻抗(R和L)、力、转矩、电感、储能等参数可以自动计算。同时也可以给出整个相位的磁力线、B和H分布图、能量密度、温度分布等图形结果。本文件是软件使用教程.希望能帮助大家·Printing HistorNew editions of this manual include material up dated since theprevious edition. The manual printing date, indicating the manualscurrent edition, changes w hen a ncw edition is printed. Minorcorrections and updates incorporated al reprint do not cause the daleto changeUpdate packages may be issued betw een editions and containadditional and/ or rep lacement pages to be merged into the manualby the user Pages which are rearranged because of changes on aprevious page are not considered to be revised.EditionDateSoftwareRevisionFebruary 1991April 199212December 1993October 19964.1September 19995.06December 20006.0WWW⊥nmTypeface ConventionsComputerCter type is used fon promptsand messages, for field names, and for keyboard entries that must be ty ped in theirentirety exactly as shown. For example, thenstruction"copy filel"means to type the w ordcopy, to type a space. and then to type filelMenu/Command Computer type is also used to display the commands that are needed to perform a specifictask Menu levels are separated by forwardslashes (/) For example, the instructionhoose File/Open"means to choose the Opencommand under the file menuItalicsItalic type is used for emphasis and for thetitles of manuals and other publications. Italictype is also used for key board entries when aname or a variable must be typed in place ofthe words in italics. For example, the instruc-rion“ copy filename” means to type the wordcopy, to type a space, and then to type then amc of a filc. such as filelKeysHelvetica type is used for labeled keys on thecomputer keyboard. For example, the instruc-tion"Press Return?"means to press the key onthe com puter that is lahcled Returnwww.docin.coInstallationBefore you use Maxwell 3D, you must1. Set up your systems graphical windowing systerm2. Install the Maxwell softw are, using the directions in theAnsell PC or UNIX Installation guideIf you have not yet done these steps, refer to the ansoft installetionguides and the documentation that came w ith your computer systemor ask your system administrator for helpsing a Graphical User InterfaceIf you are familiar with the concepts of using a mouse, menus, andother graphical user interface(GUn)tools, skip to Chapter 1“ IntroductionIf you have not used GuI systems before, this section will help youunderstand some of the terminology used in this guide. Since GUIare basically visual, the best way to learn to use them is by practicingon your systemMost gui systcms usc a mouseas a poinTing device, with whichyou can select areas on the screenfor command execution andmoving from one program toanother. Your mouse may have 2www.door 3 buttons; Maxwell 3D ignoresthe middle button on 3-buttondelsAnsoft products donot usc this button. You canprogram mouse buttons to work in non-standard ways, as you mightwant to if you are left-handed. For simplicity, the left-hand hutton(under your forefinger if you are right-handed) is called the leftbutton, and the one on far right is the right mouse button. You willprobably find the terms intuitive once you use these buttons a fewtimesPoint and click; Right clickTo choose an item with the mouse, first move it on your desk until thearrow cursor is on that item; you are now pointing" at the item. Next,ress and release the left bu tton thlled"clicking " Point-andclick is the most common action you will make with your mouseally, click" refers to a lefise button clickYou can sometimes use your right mouse button to access or entercommands. In the 3d Modeler for instance, a right mouse buttonclick causes a short menu of commands to appear at the moustcursor. Generally, right click "refers to a right mouse button clickDouble-ClickOccasionally you may want to sclect all of thc text in a box,orperform a special lask(such as indicating the end of drawing a linewhile you are using Maxwell 3D. You can do this efficiently byquickly clicking twice with your left mouse button -a doubleDragging objects; Click and HoldWhen you are drawing in the 3D Modeler, you can often use yourmouse to enter objects and move around the screen. Frequently, youwill click the mouse button and hold it down until the next part of thecommand is reached (the object is oved, the next point is enteredand so forth). If you click and hold on the edge of a w indow, you canposition, or drag, the window on your screen. You can often dragobjects in Maxwell; experiment to see w hat will moveTool BarsTool bars are shortcut methods for entering commands. There is atool bar in the 3d Modeler and most of the setup modules for severalcommand s. To use a tool bar. click the mouse cursor on the buttonyou want to use. Here is an example of a tool bar囗。圖哦良风≌固函MenusWithin each screen of maxwell 3d are areas w hich list subsets ormenus,of commands. You can access a menu by clicking your mouseon the word or button that indicates the menu. The menu is pulleddown, listing the commands available on that menu. (For examplethc New command is availablc on the File mcnu. Usually, thc mcnuwill remain displayed until you choose a command, or click on thedesktop to exit. If the menu does not remain displayed, click and holdthe mouse button, then release the button to make your choiceFile Edit viewNewopenCloseSavectrl+SSave AsImportExportExitctrl+QAn arrow on the right side of a command indicates that there is asubmenu for that command. An ellipsis (. )indicates that a pop-upwindow appears aftcr choosing this commandWhen you are asked to use a menu command, each level is separatedby a"/". Thus, to zoom in on a drawing, you would choose the viewLoom In menu command To open a new file, you would choose File/There are also pop-up menus, which appear when you righL-click ona maxwell modeler window. choose commands from thcsc menus inthe same way as from menu barsFor more information on using GUIs, refer to"User Interface"in theMaxwell Control Panel,s online help systemOther ReferencesFor detailed information on Maxwell 3d commands refer to theonline documentation for the maxwell 3d field simulatorTo start maxwell 3d, you must first access the maxwell controlPanel. for more detailed inform ation on the maxwell control panelcommands, refer to the Maxwell Control Panels online help systemwww.docin.comTable of Contents1. Introduction1-1General Procedure.1-2The Sample Problem1-4Meshes.....,,,,,,,,面2. Create aAccess the maxwell Control Panel·:.·:·甲,,,,,,,,,,2-2Start the Project managerCreate a Project directoryCreate a New project··,···············,·,,,,,,,,,,2-6Enter notes2-73. Draw the model3-1Open the project3-2Start. the 3D Modeler3-3Side window........................snaps3-6Define the problem region: Coordinates and Units ..,...... 3-7Absolute and relative coordinates3-7Grids3-7Zooming in and out of the view window3-9Create the electromagnet3-10Draw the Coil...,,.,..,3-10Draw thc Circlc........,..,...,,,......,..........3-10Create the Cylinder,,3-11Create the hole for the Core3-12Draw the Core·中··············3-13SavingP3-14Create the magnel翻...3-15Draw the magnet3-15Move the magnet3-15Toggle Off the Background..................3-16Create a termini..........,,,,,..,,,,......,,,..3-17Create the Coil terminal..........,,......,,,.,..3-18Define the Problem Region;..,;;“;##.3-20Define the Problem Region .................. 3-21Shading and rendering . ......................................3-22Exit the 3d modeler3-234 Define The problemAccess the Material Manager4-2Exclude the background·····+···,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.4-2Assign Steel to the CoreAssign Copper to the Coil4-3Assign vacuum to the problem Region.......4.......4-3Assign NdFe35 to the Magnet4-3Access the 3D Boundary/Source Manager45assign a current to the coil.....4-6Define the sourceAssigning the Source lo the Termina.........,..,,,,∴4-64-7Check the Direction of the CurrentExit the 3D Boundary/Source Manager4-85. Generate a Solution5-1Setup executive Parameters······5-2Create a Force Setup for the Magnet.5-3Create a Force Setup for the Coil and Core5-3Create a Force Setup for the entire model·········Exiting the Executive Parameters moduleSpecifying Solution Criteria·非5-5Solver type11翻自。■非非首·····:.··.·Magnetic Field SolveResidualSolve for Field and Parameters+++++++++++++++++++++;,+“++Adaptive analysisContents-2
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