首页 » Python » pytorch-openpose-master


于 2020-03-17 发布
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说明:  本例程是我研究生阶段做的一个小项目,该项目用pytorch的深度学习框架来进行人体姿态识别,能够实现头部和身体的骨架识别!图像处理方面加入了OpenCV包进行相关的处理,希望能帮助大家!(175/5000 This routine is a small project that I did in the graduate stage. The project uses pytorch's deep learning framework to recognize human body posture, and can realize skeleton recognition of head and body! In the aspect of image processing, OpenCV package has been added for relevant processing, hoping to help everyone!)


.gitignore, 82 , 2019-10-14
.idea, 0 , 2020-03-08
.idea\dataSources, 0 , 2019-11-27
.idea\misc.xml, 320 , 2020-01-13
.idea\modules.xml, 305 , 2019-11-25
.idea\pytorch-openpose-master.iml, 556 , 2020-01-13
.idea\workspace.xml, 15715 , 2020-03-08
demo.py, 1534 , 2019-10-14
demo_camera.py, 1429 , 2019-12-01
example.py, 491 , 2019-12-01
images, 0 , 2020-01-13
images\body_preview.jpg, 1076132 , 2019-10-14
images\body_preview_estimation.jpg, 159628 , 2019-10-14
images\body_preview_keypoints.jpg, 140649 , 2019-10-14
images\dance.jpg, 31276 , 2019-11-27
images\demo.jpg, 16334 , 2019-10-14
images\demo_preview.png, 153723 , 2019-10-14
images\detect_hand_preview.jpg, 60693 , 2019-10-14
images\hand.jpg, 8717 , 2019-10-14
images\hand_preview.png, 75507 , 2019-10-14
images\hand_preview_estimation.png, 56644 , 2019-10-14
images\keypoints_hand.png, 185529 , 2019-10-14
images\keypoints_pose_18.png, 11153 , 2019-10-14
images\skeleton.jpg, 159442 , 2019-10-14
images\ski.jpg, 305923 , 2019-10-14
notebooks, 0 , 2020-01-13
notebooks\detectHand.ipynb, 158167 , 2019-10-14
notebooks\hand.ipynb, 696400 , 2019-10-14
notebooks\network_graph.ipynb, 76187 , 2019-10-14
output1.avi, 7734 , 2019-12-01
python, 0 , 2020-01-13
python\__pycache__, 0 , 2020-01-13
python\__pycache__\body.cpython-37.pyc, 7219 , 2019-12-01
python\__pycache__\hand.cpython-37.pyc, 2979 , 2019-12-01
python\__pycache__\model.cpython-37.pyc, 5860 , 2019-11-29
python\__pycache__\util.cpython-37.pyc, 6219 , 2019-11-27
python\body.py, 10955 , 2019-11-29
python\dance.jpg, 31276 , 2019-11-27
python\hand.py, 3403 , 2019-10-14
python\hand_model_output_size.json, 13902 , 2019-10-14
python\hand_model_outputsize.py, 350 , 2019-10-14
python\model.py, 8112 , 2019-11-29
python\util.py, 8998 , 2019-10-14
README.md, 2882 , 2019-10-14



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