说明: 该软件以函数化方式表示微结构换能元的边界,生成微结构换能元电热耦合仿真计算的ANSYS命令流,获得微结构换能元的电流密度、温度分布、温度梯度、电压分布等参量。该软件的技术特点在于,集成了直接耦合的微结构换能元电热耦合仿真计算方法,适用于V型边界、圆弧边界和椭圆形边界的MEMS换能元,并能进行数据及计算结果的打开、保存、输出、显示与打印。(The development purpose of the software is to express the boundary of the micro structure transducer element in a functional way, generate the ANSYS command flow of the micro structure transducer element electrothermal coupling simulation calculation, and obtain the current density, temperature distribution, temperature gradient, voltage distribution and other parameters of the micro structure transducer element. The technical feature of the software is that it integrates directly coupled thermal electric coupling simulation calculation method of micro structure transducer. It is suitable for MEMS transducer with V-shaped boundary, circular arc boundary and elliptical boundary, and can open, save, output, display and print data and calculation results.)
fig_register.m, 11907 , 2017-05-09
figEleTypeSetting.fig, 3691 , 2018-10-02
figEleTypeSetting.m, 7506 , 2018-10-01
figGridSetting.asv, 13343 , 2018-10-01
figGridSetting.fig, 8567 , 2018-10-01
figGridSetting.m, 13715 , 2018-10-01
figMatlibSetting.asv, 11982 , 2018-09-30
figMatlibSetting.fig, 5102 , 2018-09-30
figMatlibSetting.m, 12732 , 2019-01-11
figMatSetting.asv, 10872 , 2018-09-30
figMatSetting.fig, 4494 , 2018-09-30
figMatSetting.m, 10912 , 2018-09-30
figSolveSetting.asv, 7520 , 2018-10-01
figSolveSetting.fig, 3697 , 2018-10-01
figSolveSetting.m, 7083 , 2018-10-01
get3DMicroheater.asv, 4414 , 2018-09-23
get3DMicroheater.m, 4452 , 2018-09-23
get3DPad.asv, 1009 , 2018-09-23
get3DPad.m, 2233 , 2018-09-23
get3DSub.asv, 1689 , 2018-09-24
get3DSub.m, 1668 , 2018-09-24
grid_example.jpg, 43203 , 2018-10-01
grid_example.tif, 10100 , 2018-10-01
Help_MMFS.docx, 250651 , 2018-10-04
matlib_MMFC.txt, 144 , 2018-10-01
MMFC_main.asv, 110540 , 2018-10-03
MMFC_main.fig, 23473 , 2018-10-03
MMFC_main.m, 110437 , 2019-12-12
open_struct.asv, 6747 , 2018-10-02
open_struct.m, 6611 , 2018-10-03
print_cmd.asv, 10542 , 2018-10-03
print_cmd.m, 10550 , 2018-10-03
raw_cmd_APDL.m, 41262 , 2018-10-03
readMatlib.m, 978 , 2018-10-01
save_struct.asv, 5404 , 2018-10-02
save_struct.m, 6567 , 2018-10-03
shape2kp_100point.m, 1942 , 2018-10-03
shape2kp2_18point.m, 1505 , 2018-10-03
writeMatlib.m, 1151 , 2018-10-03
administrator.txt, 1679 , 2019-01-09
angle2wm_v_shp.m, 129 , 2018-09-22
copyright.fig, 2148 , 2018-10-02
copyright.m, 3794 , 2018-10-02
fig_Login.fig, 3797 , 2018-10-03
fig_Login.m, 10640 , 2018-10-03
fig_register.fig, 3962 , 2017-05-09