首页 » Visual C++ » 红绿灯


于 2021-03-17 发布
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下载积分: 1 下载次数: 0


说明:  运用opengl函数种子填充算法画的一个红绿灯(包含源代码),visual studio运行(It's an application for computer graphics.)


红绿灯\.vs\红绿灯\v14\.suo, 22528 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\Debug\红绿灯.exe, 49152 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\Debug\红绿灯.ilk, 392376 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\Debug\红绿灯.pdb, 1003520 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\Debug\main.obj, 38580 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\Debug\vc140.idb, 322560 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\Debug\vc140.pdb, 348160 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\Debug\红绿灯.log, 217 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\Debug\红绿灯.tlog\CL.command.1.tlog, 560 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\Debug\红绿灯.tlog\CL.read.1.tlog, 10280 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\Debug\红绿灯.tlog\CL.write.1.tlog, 412 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\Debug\红绿灯.tlog\link.command.1.tlog, 1062 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\Debug\红绿灯.tlog\link.read.1.tlog, 2982 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\Debug\红绿灯.tlog\link.write.1.tlog, 390 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\Debug\红绿灯.tlog\红绿灯.lastbuildstate, 216 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\main.cpp, 2864 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\红绿灯.vcxproj, 5698 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\红绿灯.vcxproj.filters, 945 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯.sln, 1309 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯.VC.db, 29401088 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\.vs\红绿灯\v14, 0 , 2020-05-04
红绿灯\红绿灯\Debug\红绿灯.tlog, 0 , 2020-05-04
红绿灯\.vs\红绿灯, 0 , 2020-05-04
红绿灯\红绿灯\Debug, 0 , 2020-05-04
红绿灯\.vs, 0 , 2020-05-04
红绿灯\Debug, 0 , 2020-05-04
红绿灯\红绿灯, 0 , 2020-05-04
红绿灯, 0 , 2020-05-04



0 个回复

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