首页 » Visual C++ » 红绿灯


于 2021-03-17 发布
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下载积分: 1 下载次数: 0


说明:  运用opengl函数种子填充算法画的一个红绿灯(包含源代码),visual studio运行(It's an application for computer graphics.)


红绿灯\.vs\红绿灯\v14\.suo, 22528 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\Debug\红绿灯.exe, 49152 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\Debug\红绿灯.ilk, 392376 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\Debug\红绿灯.pdb, 1003520 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\Debug\main.obj, 38580 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\Debug\vc140.idb, 322560 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\Debug\vc140.pdb, 348160 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\Debug\红绿灯.log, 217 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\Debug\红绿灯.tlog\CL.command.1.tlog, 560 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\Debug\红绿灯.tlog\CL.read.1.tlog, 10280 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\Debug\红绿灯.tlog\CL.write.1.tlog, 412 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\Debug\红绿灯.tlog\link.command.1.tlog, 1062 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\Debug\红绿灯.tlog\link.read.1.tlog, 2982 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\Debug\红绿灯.tlog\link.write.1.tlog, 390 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\Debug\红绿灯.tlog\红绿灯.lastbuildstate, 216 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\main.cpp, 2864 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\红绿灯.vcxproj, 5698 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯\红绿灯.vcxproj.filters, 945 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯.sln, 1309 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\红绿灯.VC.db, 29401088 , 2020-03-18
红绿灯\.vs\红绿灯\v14, 0 , 2020-05-04
红绿灯\红绿灯\Debug\红绿灯.tlog, 0 , 2020-05-04
红绿灯\.vs\红绿灯, 0 , 2020-05-04
红绿灯\红绿灯\Debug, 0 , 2020-05-04
红绿灯\.vs, 0 , 2020-05-04
红绿灯\Debug, 0 , 2020-05-04
红绿灯\红绿灯, 0 , 2020-05-04
红绿灯, 0 , 2020-05-04



0 个回复

    本程序包含语音压缩和语音识别领域所需的LPCC,MFCC特征提取算法以及语音端点检测源码。在对语音数据进行特征提取前,可对语音数据进行16K到8K的降采样率处理,包含180阶FIR滤波器的频率压缩程序 (This procedure includes voice compression and voice recognition requirements in the area of the LPCC, MFCC feature extraction algorithm, as well as voice activity detection source. Voice data in the feature extraction before the voice data can be 16K to 8K sampling rate of the drop treatment, including the 180-order FIR filter frequency compression procedures)
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