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于 2020-12-12 发布
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说明:  在IST函数中,一共规定了三种IST跳出迭代的条件:第一个是重构结果经Phi变换后与原先y的差异,第二是最大迭代次数,第三个是重构结果x两次相邻迭代的差异(In ist function, there are three kinds of conditions for ist to jump out of iteration: the first is the difference between the reconstruction result after Phi transformation and the original y, the second is the maximum number of iterations, and the third is the difference between two adjacent iterations of reconstruction result)


IST算法\IST_Basic.m, 1739 , 2020-11-11
IST算法\IST_main.m, 1038 , 2020-11-11
IST算法\oned_TV.m, 195 , 2020-11-11
IST算法, 0 , 2020-11-11



0 个回复

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  • apb
    this is file for c++ learning in chinese version
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